44~ back to the beginning

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"Okay, Torch one more hit! Use Blaze Kick!" Jake called to his Blazikan.

~Kan!~ Jake's exhausted Pokemon nodded, charging in on Marshal's final Pokemon eager to please his trainer.

Marshal's Sawk was to tired to dodge but he attempted to block but stood no chance against the fire/fighting type. It collapsed to the ground fainted.

Jake jumped into the air fist pumping. "I did it! I beat the elite four!"

I was clapping my hands in congratulations and excitement, only softly thou so as not to hurt my arm and cause another fuss. This had been the closest of Jake's four matches and Torch was his last Pokemon, thankfully he won.

Where was I again?

Oh yeah clapping.

Jake turned to us and gave us a thumbs up before turning to leave while we left the viewers platform and went to meet Jake in the main room.

"Congrats Jake." Milly praised, patting him in the back.

"Thanks." Jake beamed, obviously proud of himself.

After a few minutes, with all Jake's Pokemon fully healed, we stepped into the centre statue. It let out a low rumble and started to descend to a lower level. I let out a small squeak of surprise and almost lost my balance, thankfully Jake caught me by the arm, my uninjured one, and steadied me.

I gave a thankful look before holding onto Jake for the rest of the descend. How is this thing even moving? There's no psychic types nearby and I don't see any strings or cables.

The statue finally hit the bottom, shaking the ground slightly. I looked around it was a lot more open then it was above and there was a hell of a lot of stairs leading up the a massive building.

"Oh my gosh! That is a hell of a lot of stairs!" Kay exclaimed.

"Then let's get walking." Jake said enthusiastically.

"Eesh." Milly sighed and started up the stairs, Angel and I bounding after her.

Angel, Kay and I ran about halfway up the stairs while Milly and Jake walked. Kay and I waited at the halfway point since Jake and Milly were lagging behind and Kay was tired. I on the other hand was still ready to run the rest of the way, though I would admit that a short break was good since my back was starting to pain me.

It took about five minutes for Jake and Milly to catch up.

"How... can... you... still be going... Paige." Jake panted.

I shrugged and ran up a couple more stairs and waved the others to hurry before running up more. Angel was now sitting in my shoulder since she had tired out a while ago but I didn't mind.

When I finally reached the top I had to wait for the others to catch up. I sat down on the top step and waited for the others.

I heard a crash and tell from the building behind me. I frowned and turned to look at it. From the outside it looked normal, what was happening within? I stood up and peaked inside. I struggled to keep myself from gasping.

N was battle with a large black dragon Pokemon. It's eyes were red and it attacked with electricity, completely over powering the brown afro bull it was facing. I recognised the man battling with the bull to be Alder, Jake and Milly's uncle.

Jake and the others made it to my side, we entered together just as the bull fainted. I was hiding slightly behind Jake. I didn't how to think of N anymore. He was acting different, strange. He wasn't the N I knew, who could always make me feel better and who always took care of me. The N I could rely on.

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