Chapter 23: I Am Sweaty, Out Of Breath And Hanging To My Dear Life On A Ledge.

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Lia's POV:-

"Jesus! Lia! Why are you carrying your lacrosse stick?" Julian glares at me as I sit in his car. He was picking me up from my home. I just gave a shrug and put on my seat belt. 

"I told you I want everything to go peacefully" Julian sighs.

"Of course. I am just missing lacrosse so much today, that I am carrying the stick with me. Not that I have ANY intention of beating your ex" I say looking super-innocent.

"Look, I'll do the talking. You just have to be there for moral support" Julian says driving to  Station street. There was an outdoor shopping area there. You know that open place with lots of grocery stores, branded showrooms, restaurants and other small shops.

That's where Julian's ex-boyfriend George asked Julian to meet him. That's right. The same douche-bag who cheated on Julian. When Julian first told me I had dialed up some old friends who are club bouncers. But sadly Julian took away my phone and cancelled the whole plan. I mean, come on, it's not that bad and I am not that cruel. I had the courtesy to inform the local hospital that we'll be bringing someone later on. What else do you need?

"In my opinion, you should just sit in the car, sip a coffee while I go and do the talking" I say adding, "and castration"  under my breath.

"I heard that" Julian snaps. I roll my eyes and look outside.

"Look, I am over George, but I need to do this so I can be completely sure. He said he just wants to meet and return some stuff as he was in this town. " Julian says parking his car.

"Alright" I say. I notice a shinning black BMW X6. I feel like I have seen this car before. I just could not place where.

"Let's get this over with" Julian mutters getting out of the car. I also exit, my boots knocking on the ground.

"O for fuck's sake, get rid off that bat!" Julian says irritatedly.

I just walk past him like a stubborn child into the shopping area.


"He's late" I grumble.

"He said he'll be here at 5" Julian says glaring at me.

"Well it's 5.01" I wave my phone screen time in front of his face. He bats my hand away.

"Your ex should learn we are busy people, who have better stuff to do than waitin-"

"Hey" someone interrupts my rant. My feel like clawing my skin on hearing this voice. I turn my attention to the two guys in front of me.

"Hi George" Julian gets up greeting him.

"What? No Georgie or pumpkin?" the douche-bag jokes. Julian gives a small smile.

"Sit, sit. We ordered drinks already" Julian says taking his seat.

"Great, by the way I would like to introduce my boyfriend Vaughn" he says motioning to the other dude. Vaughn extends his hand to Julian with a sly smile.

"Oh, and I thought this would be awkward" Julian says sarcastically giving a bright smile.

"And obviously, hello Natalia" George turns towards me like he was so stupid he forgot to greet me earlier.

In response to his greeting I place my lacrosse stick on the table and cross my hands over the table challenging him to say more.

"Okay" George gulps, laughing nervously.

Waiter brings our drinks. An uncomfortable silence takes over, occasionally being broken by the sound of drinks being swallowed. Vaughn tried to start a conversation with me but I cut him off with a glare before he even began.

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