Chapter 3: "Why Are You Smiling Like A Horny Santa"

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Luke's POV:-

The music is too loud. Way too loud. And this chic is even louder.

"And then I obviously had to purchase that dress since it made my waist look.." she rambled on in her inhumanly high pitched voice.

I was way too bored. So bored, that I lost every intention of hooking up with her. Why am I even here? I ought to be at home working on my new pet project.

Oh wait, I remember. The boys were being boys and dragged me out. I was in no mood for partying.

Ian had quoted, "Lukey you need to get laid or your hymen will grow back". That does not even makes sense. But it's Ian. He never makes sense.

"Luke.. Luke!" this chic was waving her hands in front of me. I rolled my eyes and got up from the couch. Damn, I don't even know whose house is this.

"Maybe some other time" I say blankly by which I meant 'I am staying away from you for sure'. Man, if I got her in bed she'll probably damage my ears.

She sat there open-mouthed gaping at me. I went where they were serving drinks and got myself a beer. Max and Alex were playing beer-pong.

"Done already?" Max smirked.

"Dude just because you get bored you should not leave. You should have flirted with her and have had a little patience" Alex says knowingly giving me a look of disapproval. I just shrugged. Honestly I don't care.

"You should look at Dylan and Ian. Both are already back there charming the shit out of their Lady No. 3" Max said while aiming at the cup.

"What about you two? Did you give each other a good suck?" I say taking a sip of beer.

Max missed the shot and Alex holds his laughter. "I dont know about this dog-" he growls, pointing towards Alex who in turn gave him a pout "-I'm already done for the night. If you want proof go upstairs. The ladies still can't move" he states quite proudly.

Here's the thing. Max has a really short temper and Alex is as we call him Max's BFF. But its just saying, we five are what the girls in school call us 'the Bad Boys group'.

Totally cliche if you ask me. Besides we are not even that bad.

I say nothing and go and take the ball from Max and make a clear shot at the farthest cup. Alex lets out a low whistle.

"I am going" I tell them and start making my way to the door.

"Hey wait man. We are also gonna go. This party sucks plus I am hungry" Alex starts rubbing his stomach.

"Ya, I'll go get dumb and dumber" Max runs off.

I gulp down the rest of the drink and toss the cup in trash. I see Alex making his way out signalling me to follow him. Stuffing my hands in pocket I start walking. Two boys are coming my way. I give them a glare and they part ways immediately.

"When was the last time you laughed?"

I raise an eyebrow at Alex. "Well you must remember since you rarely laugh".

"He got botox man. You should have know by now" Dylan chirps in. He stands in front of me and shows all his teeth to me.

"Why are you smiling like a horny Santa" I take a step back.

Dylan's smile falls a bit and others keep laughing. He again puts up his creepy smile and brings his face closer to me.

"Look at me Luke. Are you feeling jealous, that I can move my face as much as I want."

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