Chapter 39: Dear Lord, I Have Traumatized You

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Lia's POV:-

"Now now, off you go."

I was being rudely sent away from Max's room where the boys along with Julian had gathered together. I asked if I could hang out with them, cause I was bored.

The real reason was that, they had good amount of alcohol, but they didn't need to know that..

"Lia, it's an 'All-Men Zone'. You can't join" Max explains.

"Yeah I see. All men" I say sarcastically. "C'mon, let me join. You won't notice I'm there" I try once more.

Good amount of alcohol people. I swear good amount.

"Things might get brutal. I can't possibly allow you as your elder brother. And we really need to celebrate our victory" he beams proudly.

Yes, the boys won the match. And they didn't have a match the next day so they thought they could risk drinking their body weight. 

"Lia" Ian joins us at the door. "Don't you see, you are free to go out now. You can actually hook up with guys here" he says in a whisper, but Max hears and smacks his head. "I promise, no one would say you were fraternizing with the enemies" he continues ignoring Max.

My eyes dart into the room where Dylan and Julian were playfully fighting with each other. No sign of Luke. These boys don't understand, the one guy I am after, will be inside with them. I sigh in defeat, "Fine, I'll go. But you guys are buying all my meals from now on, because this is fucking injustice." Both of them vigorously nod their heads.

Shooting them a glare, I walk towards the elevator. I might as well explore the town. Night time is the best to roam around.

"Lenny wait!"

My hand shoots out immediately to stop the elevator from closing. Julian was running towards me. He gets in and presses ground floor. I look at him in confusion.

"You really didn't think I would ditch my best friend for some hot boys" he raises an eyebrow. I grin and leap at him, "You are the best!"

Julian replies smugly, "I know. Now stop looking at me like I'm candy." I grin wider and continue my creepy, yet loving stare.

On our way out we bump into Alex and Luke. They were carrying take-outs. We quickly explained the situation. While parting ways Luke and I knowingly brush against each other.

"So, got your fake ID?" Julian asks as soon as we are on the road.

"You bet" I grin.


"How was your night?" Max asks sitting beside me.

"It was okay" I reply as normally as I could. Julian and I had a blast. Neither of us was in a mood to flirt or do anything with strangers, so we got nicely drunk and danced our asses off. This morning we woke up in an isolated park. Julian was floating like an arc on the swing snoring loudly while I was passed out on the sand. We stumbled into my room just before sunrise. I took a shower and then proceeded to sleep more. While Julian wanted to take a bath but fell asleep in the bath-tub. I guess everybody had an eventful night because nobody bothered to come out of their rooms until it was late evening.

"Ours was okay too" Max says restraining a grin. We both looked at each other and burst out laughing. We were waiting outside the Headmaster's office. Luke was inside with the Coach along with Blue Valley's Coach and the boy who punched him.  

Max was called as the Captain and I was there because I took him to the hospital. Coach asked us to wait outside. 

Rest of the team members were at a high-class dinner party that some boy, who was beyond school teams rivalry, organized. We were also going but Coach called us in the last second.

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