Chapter 9: There's A Reason Why We Say 'Wright Is Always Right'

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Ripped Jeans Shorts. Check.

Studded Ankle Boots. Check.

Skull printed Tank. Check.

Smoky Eyes. Check.

Badass Accessories. Check.

Yep. Today I'm in my element. Normally I tone down this biker chic get-up in school, but today I was feeling like it and obviously, if I want to do something I usually end up doing it. Also, I woke up really early so I had a lot of time in my hands.

This morning when I was leaving, my mom came up to me and told me to come back as soon as school gets over. I was too shocked to respond since, it was the first time she actually acknowledged, much less say a word to me since I came. Usually she's not home, but still. If she can make time for Max she could have made time for me. But like a wise person, I decided not to ponder much or get depressed over it.

I am standing with the boys near their lockers since Julian took a detour with a guy from maths class. All the boys passing by were looking at me, not even bothering to hide their approving looks. I also got a few jealous stares from girls, which I don't is whether from my attire or the fact that I am joking around with the 'Bad Boy Group'.

Luke had just nodded at me with his forever-blank face. Ian and Dylan, let out twin wolf-whistles on seeing me. Alex and Max slapped both of them on their head, and Alex came and stood protectively near me. He went as far as to offering me his jacket, which I refused. Max and Luke both frowned at my stubborn refusal to put more clothing on. These stupid morons need to learn that I am not some damsel in distress.

"Ms. Anderson, what you are wearing is very inappropriate for school campus" Mr. Winston briskly scolds me. Mr. Winston is a 45-year old teacher who is responsible for maintaining school decorum and shit like that. I never knew his job included checking what girls wear.

"Alright" I reply and turn back to Alex to finish my story which he rudely interrupted. Alex looked at me wide-eyed. Apparently, Mr. Winston was one of those teachers with whom nobody wants to mess with.

"Ms. Natalia Anderson, this is a school. There are certain rules here. You can be a brat at your home" he says coldly.

Well, now I am getting irritated. What the fuck is his problem? My shorts are not even that short, whereas there are blondes walking behind him covered in napkins! Why the hell, is he targeting me?

"Rules huh? You sure have the nerve to lecture me, when you yourself are such a 'Naughty Boy'" I say putting air quotes. I smirk as I see him stiffen up.

"Ms. Anderson, mind your language" he narrows his eyes at me.

"Yeah right" I huff. "This 'decorum' of yours must not be valid in the school parking area, since you were shamelessly dry-humping Mrs. Mary behind her car."

I hear someone, most probably Ian gasp out loud.

"How dare you! Are you falsely accusing me?" he goes all red. I can see a nerve pulsing on his forehead.

"Oh my dear, no no" I put a hand to my chest. "I have it all recorded in my camera. Hold on a sec, I must have my phone with me..." I start searching around my bag.

He grabs my arm and makes me look at him. "Stop it!"

I jerk my hand away and step closer to him, giving him my best glare. "Mr. Winston don't fuck with people whom you can't handle" I say threateningly. He gulps and takes a step back.

"I'll let this slide this time, don't repeat this again" he says not meeting my eye.

"Oh darling, no. You are going to let it slide every time if you don't want the principal to watch Mrs. Mary call you naughty boy, as you feel her up"

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