Chapter 49: Maybe It's All The Sexual Tension

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Lia's POV:-


My head tilts upwards at Julian's warning. Ava was cat-walking towards us, her heels clicking noisily around the cafeteria. She takes a seat in front of me and Julian. The boys were missing from lunch today, so it was just two of us, well now the three of us.

"Natalia," she addresses me icily. "Fag," she nods at Julian.

"Careful," I warn, placing my knee against the lunch table. I was doing my bad bitch pose to intimidate her. It was working, she crossed uncrossed her legs. Julian was just casually leaning back in his chair, watching the ongoing in amusement. 

"I don't like your style. You look homeless," she says sounding bored. I was wearing an oversized sweater, with a heavily ripped denim shorts and combat boots.

"I don't care for your opinion," I shrug. She looked annoyed.

"I came here to tell you I don't like you, and you should definitely not date Luke Wright," she glares at me.

"Still.. don't give a damn about your opinions," I mutter checking my nails.

"Luke is a pathetic nerd, who only gives a shit about books. He's insensitive and plain sad. No wonder he picked you," she sneers. I put my knee down and sit forward.

"Listen to me you tissue-snorting bitch! Say whatever crap you want about me, but don't you fucking breath a word against Luke. I'll rip your hair out of your skull," I curl my hands into fist, to stop them from shaking in anger. Ava's eyes widen in fear for a second, before she masks her face into normal one. 

I myself was shocked, by my reaction. I always thought I was jealous and possessive our Luke. I never anticipated this fierce protectiveness towards him. 

My eyes go to the boys next table for the briefest of moments. They never sat there before and I was smart enough to figure out they were Ava's bodyguards. Given my reputation I don't blame her for coming prepared.

"I'm sorry," Ava sighs suddenly, making Julian gasp lowly. "I can't even talk shit about Luke, because I like him so much," she laughs sadly. "Do you know, he once tutored me for chemistry. I always thought he was this cute detached studious kid. But he was so sweet, and never made me feel like I am stupid. The only time in my life that I actually looked forward to studying," she sighs tapping her long nails across the table. I listen silently, feeling a little bad for her. She was just a girl with feelings, who channeled her desperation and anger by being mean to others.

"I don't like you, and I don't think anything will change that," she says looking me in the eye. "But you don't deserve him. He's too good for you. You are not meant for someone so innocent."

I think of the time, when Luke voluntarily left the last burger for Tim standing behind him in cafeteria line. Tim had looked exhausted from his practice and was the last person in line, so Luke knew cafeteria people won't bother to get him more food. I had made no comment, instead I split my own burger in half with him. He gave me a little smile and quietly wolfed it down.

"I know," I nod at her. She looked surprised at my admittance. "Look, I don't know why he decided to like me and date me, but whatever it is I am just going to let it happen, because it feels right."

Ava gives a crisp nod standing up, "Break his heart, I'll make sure no one finds your body." With that she walks away. I exchange surprised smiles with Julian.

"Who knew blonde bitch had a heart?" Julian mutters. He takes out his buzzing phone and grins widely. "Lenny, you up for a surprise?" he says standing up pulling me with him. He leads me outside the school and looks around as if searching for someone. 

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