Chapter 25: Yep, I am officially fucked, in a bad bad way..

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Lia's POV:

"It's your first time eating Mom's chicken pasta?" Max asks rubbing his hands excitedly.

I nod, holding back a smile at how he looks like an excited 4-year old.

"Lia, you are in for a ride. The pasta tastes soo good" Max gushes. I could see his chin dripping with drool. Yuck.

Thing is that, my mother got in early today, and she offered to make dinner. We normally get take-outs for dinner. Max has been jumping around the house saying he will lick all the plates and spoons. He is that excited.

"Alright, who's hungry" mom walks into the dining room with a huge pan. Max immediately pushes his plate forward beaming at her. She generously scoops the cheesy pasta, filling his plate. She then serves me. I mutter a thank you and start eating.

The pasta was delicious. But I could not help notice that, I did not get any chicken. Max's plate was flooded with chicken. I knew better than to get upset, so just like every time I brush it off. She included me for dinner, that's what matters.

After dinner I am washing the dishes, while Max is cleaning the kitchen and table.

"Max, come here. June is calling!" my mom yells from the living room. Max happily drops everything and rushes to her. Aunt June is mom's sister. I think I met her once when I was 5, but I barely remember her. I hear her happy exclaimations, 'Maximus you've grown', 'you look so handsome' etc. I continue washing dishes trying not to feel bothered by the fact, my mom does not even want to introduce me to her sister.

I finish cleaning the kitchen too. I know I don't have to but I do it anyways. I hate myself for trying to get mom to like me. I feel pathetic. I quietly walk out of the kitchen towards my room.

"Lia, come here. Where are you going? Say hi to Aunt June" Max says, making me go to the couch where they were sitting. I sit beside mom as she was holding the phone. It's a video call. I see Aunt June, brunette but silver-eyed like Max and my mom. I have my father's features mostly.

"Umm, hello Natalia" she awkwardly says, stealing glances at my mom, as if gauging her reaction.

"Hi, Aunt June. Please call me Lia" I smile. I noticed my mother grip tighten on phone as I say Aunt June.

"Well then Lia-" she smiles "-how have you been? Liking this new place?"

"Yeah, it's pretty great. School is good and-"

"She is loving everything" my mom cuts me off hurriedly. My smile falters a bit.

"By the way, did you know Max.." she continues putting an arm around Max. I sit there stiffly as I watch the three of them joking and laughing. Max tried to include me in the conversation, but every time mom cunningly diverted everyone.

"I'm tired. I think I will just go.." I awkwardly break their story-telling. Max smiles understandingly, while mom just keeps a blank face.

"Goodnight Aunt June. It was nice meeting you" I say into the camera. She smiles telling me to get good rest. I make my way upstairs. My heart painfully clenches as I hear Max's booming laughter along with my mom's playful whining asking both of them to stop teasing her. I am in my house, yet I feel like an outsider.

Tears form in my eyes but again I force them to go down. I remember all of a sudden that I have seen Aunt June before. At Nana's funeral. She had quietly come, placed some flowers and left. No eulogy, tears, nothing. Nana had told me that both her daughters are angry with her about some estate business, but I never expected this much bitterness.

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