Chapter 28: Kiss Him, Kiss Him, Kiss Him

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(Max is Stephen James. Stephen James is Max. minus the tattoos though)

Lia's POV:-

It's been a month since Luke and I broke up. I wish I could say I was in my personal heaven, drinking beers and hooking up with cute sexy guys. But nope. Not at all. I mean sure I flirt with random guys every now and then, but I can't bring myself to even kiss them. Not because it felt wrong or anything, but because I don't want to.

I realized that I am not angry. Sure that night I was feeling hurt, but I was not angry. Ok fine, maybe a little angry. But that vanished after few moments. I was just wanting to break it up with Luke, because I felt too burdened. There are already so many secrets, I could not handle more.

Luke's been Luke. His face revealed nothing even when he saw a guy putting his arms around me. Max sure as hell gave the guy a warning glare but otherwise nothing happened. I just wish I had some tool to break open his skull and know what the fuck is he thinking? Has he really moved on from me? I don't want to hurt him, but did he really forget me so easily.

I got my answers when last week I spotted Luke and Ivy sitting in Starbucks, as I was returning from studio. They were too busy on their own to see me getting all misty eyed. I hate myself for being so small and selfish. This was what I wanted anyways. This is better for me, for him.

Luke and Ivy are perfect for each other. They will date, then get married and have cute little babies who will be born with laptops in their hand. They will live in a huge mansion with three computers in every room. At night they will tie each other to bed with computer cables as they develop mind-blowing orga-

"Lia? Are you okay?" Julian shakes me. I snap out of my daze.

"Of course I am fine. Why do you ask?" I glare at Julian.

"For starters you have crushed your juice box" he points. I look at the misshaped box, as red color juice poodles at my feet, running down my hands. I quickly throw it away.

"Fuck" I mutter wiping my hands with a tissue.

"What were you thinking?" Julian laughs.

"Stuff" I mumble and go join rest of the boys in parking area.

"Let us gooo.. I'm hungry" Julian whines from beside me.

"We are waiting for Ian. Where is that littl-" Alex stops short as he sees an angry girl marching towards us.

"Katherine wait" Ian comes in view. His hair is all messed up, and his shirt buttons are done wrong.

"Kathie I am sorry. I did not mean to put it there" Ian says desperately as he reaches her.


The boys chuckle quietly as the girl gives him a murderous look, "Get away from me you dog!"

"Kathie I-"

"Get lost!" she shouts furiously as she swings her leg back and kicks Ian between the legs in full force. Each one of us flinch. Even I can't help but cringe, because if she had kicked me like that it would have hurt like a bitch. So I can't even imagine how it must be for Ian.

The girl storms past us as Ian kneels on the ground. Tears roll down his cheeks as he turns into a bright shade of red. Few students are coming into the parking lot. Without a single word, all boys surround Ian, covering him as he clutches his crotch.

The students give a weird look as to why the boys were standing in a half circle. One of them opens their mouth to ask, but Dylan cuts him off with a death glare. Once they leaves, Max helps him up as Luke brings the car.

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