Chapter 22: "I Thought Sinking Ships Turn You On"

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Lia's POV:-

I am scrolling through my phone coming into the dining room. Max and the guys are already there eating something Max brought from his trip. I had finished my share long ago. The door opens and Julian walks in. He is typing something in his phone.

"Hello Jolly-Judy" I say trying to catch his attention.

"Hey" he says absent-mindedly coming towards me and kissing my forehead.

I. Was. Wearing. A. Face. Mask.

"Mother of-" Julian spits out horrified.

He runs to the kitchen while we all laugh our asses off.

"What the hell Lia! Why do you have cum on your face like a little bitch!" Julian exclaims returning back wiping his mouth with his sleeve.

"It's a face mask" I say chuckling.

"Why is it so bitter" he makes a disgusted expression.

"Because it is not meant to be eaten" I reply like a smart-ass.

Julian rolls his eyes and goes to Dylan snatching his spoon and eating.

"Hey, give it back" Dylan whines. Julian just sticks his tongue at him and continues to take another bite. They argue back and forth.

I turn my attention to Luke to see him already looking at me. On catching my eye he gives me a secret smile. My lips twitch as I refrain myself from smiling through the mask, not wanting to crack it.

Last few days have been really busy. We both talked on phone at night and texted during school hours, but we haven't had a moment alone ever since I asked him to be my boyfriend. I could tell Luke was also getting a bit annoyed. He said he wanted to take me out for a proper date. But the big school match was coming up so the coach was making everyone work harder than usual.

I was  also left with very little free time from all the magazine cover shoots I have been doing. The time I got was spent on Julian. Ever since he came back he was a little sad, because the trip reminded him how his parents won't accept him. So I've been with him trying to cheer him up. 

I had somehow convinced Luke to keep it all a secret for a while. I could tell he was not happy but still he agreed. I did not even tell Julian because there is so much happening and I just need a little more time to sort everything out.

But that does not mean that my soul hasn't been craving to suck the life out of Lukey boy.

"Oh man... Coach just texted me. He wants to have a one-hour workout for everyone. Come on boys" Max says disheartenedly. Everybody gets up dragging their feet to the door.

"He could give us at least the Sunday off!" Alex says.

"Get your ass moving dude. We don't need to be late" Ian says pushing him out the door as all the boys leave groaning.

Julian turns to me, "Go wash that unicorn poop off your face. Let's watch a movie."

I smack his head and lead him upstairs.


"It must not be that bad" I say into the phone attempting to control my laughter.

"Trust me, every time I move I feel like my legs are getting drilled with a screwdriver" Luke groans.

"Aww, my poor baby" I coo into the phone. Luke was telling me how their coach had decided to do a leg day and made everybody in the team do extreme exercises.

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