Chapter 6: "He Can Say Goodbye To His Balls Forever"

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Lia's POV :-

"And then she just left for her room" I mumble into the phone.

"Aww Lenny... It's okay. Maybe she's a bit uncomfortable facing you, after the way she treated you" Julian comforts me.

When I came into the house, my mom was sitting in the living room. She saw me and gave me a smile which looked forced and said "Welcome" in a strained voice.

So much for Mother's love..

"Yeah. Whatever" I look at my feet which are currently propped up against the wall while I'm lying on bed.

"It's just Friday, and school doesn't start till Monday. I'm bored man."

"And school work will keep you busy" Julian says deadpan.

We burst out laughing. I never bother to finish any homework or anything. I'll worry about good grades when I'm a senior.

"I am really looking forward to seeing the male species in school. Uh, I just wish you were here too. We would have had so much fun checking out students" I really am feeling blue.

"Me too babe. But its gonna be fine"

We chatted a bit longer. Then I stand up and look around. All my stuff is still in boxes. I debate a little on whether I should unpack or use stuff directly from boxes.

I decide to unpack since I am not that lazy.

Just kidding, Julian called me after we hung up and chastised me for not unpacking and to not even think about using stuff directly from boxes. That imbecile knew me too well.


I see a real hot fellow walking past me, with his girlfriend. Damn, are all the good guys in this town taken?

Its Sunday and I'm going to the ice-cream parlor, where my brother and Alex work. Well, it's more like a punishment for some mischief they did. I had nothing to do so my brother told me to come there, and after his shift he could show me around. Julian was not picking up my phone since Friday.

I wonder what's up with him..

As I walk my mind drifts to Max's friends. He got some really good looking friends. Dylan and Ian were funny, but the guy with glasses was really quiet. Even in the car he didn't say anything. He just sat there, looking all brooding and sexy.

God bless all hot guys in glasses!

I enter the parlor and see my brother, handing a little girl her ice-cream with a smile.

"I knew it! Maxy, after all you are a big softie" I tease.

He huffs in annoyance, "Oh please, this is just an act. Chics dig for guys, who are good with children."

I shake my head in amusement.

"LIA!!" someone screams behind me.

I turn around and see Alex. "ALEX!!"

He comes and scoops me in a hug.

"How are you? Are you liking it here?"

"Alex I just got here. But I'm sure, I'll love it" I say beaming.

"Hold up.. You guys know each other?" Max questions.

"We are friends on Facebook, dear Maximus."

Max stares hard at Alex. "It was you who told her about the panty-raid situation. Wasn't it?" he growls. Alex gives him a guilty smile. I laugh.

"Shut up Max. It weren't for him, I would have nothing to blackmail you with."

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