Chapter 33: "Go Wank And Let Me Wank"

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Lia's POV:-

"Stop eye-raping my dad" Luke whispers in my direction. I snap my neck towards Luke only to find him holding back a laugh.

I give him a small glare and dig into my meat pie.

"Natalia here is, Max's little sister " Jane says to Luther with a rather devious smile. His eyebrows raise just a tiny bit as he looks at me in amusement and admiration?

"Young Lady, you owe me money for scrapping paint off my walls" he says in complete seriousness. I sit up genuinely worried thinking how in the world do I owe this man money.

"I'm sorry sir. It's not like me to forget things like these. I will immediately repay you" I answer sincerely. The man's lips twitch on hearing my response as Jane bursts out laughing.

"Oh my God! She is so adorable" she says wiping her eyes and looking at Luke, who graciously bows his head, laughing quietly to himself. My eyes widen as I finally figure out what was happening.

My head snaps to Luke's father as I feel my cheeks warming up. He is quietly eating his dinner with an almost invisible smile.

"Mr. Wright I-I.."

"You may call me Luther" his eyes twinkle as he looks at me. I nod my head, feeling like I just approval from my favorite teacher. Jane and Luke are still laughing and I find myself laughing with them as I see the hilariousness of the whole situation.

"Oh Natalia.. Please drop by often for dinner" Jane breathes.

"Should I enter from his window-" I tilt my head towards Luke "-or yours?" I grin at Jane.

"Ahem.." Luther gives a fake cough which sets everybody into fits of laughter.

"So, tell us what are you planning on doing in future" Jane claps her hand.

Probably doing your son, if he would just give up his morals and join me in the dark side..

"I am hoping to become an architect" I answer politely. Luke also knows since he once caught me sketching a house. Apparently he did not believe, when I said it was where I would steal his essence, considering I only drew an estimated blueprint. The poor boy became so worried that I was planning to bomb that house that he tried to preach me philosophy and better things in life. No matter how enjoyable it was to hear him talk about karma, I, at some point admitted I was practicing some drawing and how I wish to become an architect. Though he looked impressed, as a punishment he brought two of my favorite hazelnut coffee and finished them in front of me.

"That is impressive" Jane gushes. "Any Universities you are trying for?"

"Not at present. I haven't really thought it through" I admit sheepishly.

"Oh, take your time. You should know your options unlike Luke who has everything fixed" Jane rolls her eyes.

"What's wrong with having a goal-oriented plan" Luke frowns. I want to say 'NERD ALERT!'.

"Nothing sweetheart. I mean you could always explore more options" Jane says glancing at Luke's father.

"I know what I want to do" Luke declares like an end statement. Jane smiles and shakes her head at Luke.

"By the way Natalia, how is Mel? I haven't seen her in a long time" Jane quizzes. I maintain my posture trying hard not to cringe.

"She is doing usual. Cooking us all food sometimes" Luke buts in thankfully. I smile and nod along.

"Yeah, she loves to cook. Speaking of hobbies, honey did your horse win this time?" Jane turns to Luther who gives his wife an annoyed look. It's really hard to tell, the man is stone-faced.

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