Chapter 10: Don't Get Mad, Get Even

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Natalia's POV:-

"The way you talk about me, makes me feel so old"

"That's because you are old, Nana. Look I got to go. Talk to you later" I say into the phone. "Bye. Love you. Take your medicines on time."

"Sure. Bye honey" Nana replied.

I hang up and enter the house feeling a bit uneasy since my mother had specially asked for me to get home.

I enter and hear voices coming from the drawing room. I guess somebody turned up so I'll just sneak past them.

I bring out my pro-ninja skills and glide on the floor, straight towards the stairs.....

"Oh Natalia, there you are! Come here" my mom comes to me with a big smile and takes my hand leading me to the drawing room.

So much for my pro-ninja skills....

"Here meet Mr. Foincii and his camera man Seb" she says gesturing towards two men sitting on couch.

Mr. Foincii is a man in late 50s, all dressed up in suit. Seb is a thin guy with a blond ponytail with lots of rings arounds his fingers. Both of them are staring at me.

"You were right Mel. She's gorgeous. A stunner. A natural beauty. She does not even need any surgeries. She has a perfect nose and full lips" Mr. Foincii says standing up and holding my shoulders like we were old pals.

I am clueless. What the fuck? First of all, my mom smiled at me. Then this 50 year old man is shamelessly checking me out and did he say, my mum told him I am gorgeous. She said that?

This guy is now turning me around appreciating my figure, "A very well-shaped body. Firm skin, long legs, just the right breasts..."

Okaaaayy, I had it.

I snatch my hand from him and turn around facing him, "Excuse me!"

"Natalia! Don't be rude" Mom chides me.

I look at her in disbelief. Rude! I am not some racehorse! If he keeps says things like that, I will be more than just fucking rude!

"Mr. Foincii is a modeling agent. He came here on my request. He is willing to set you up with some ad agencies."

"Oh no, she's gonna be my special pet project. I won't let a beauty like her star in just bizarre ads. Kid, you are coming into fashion clothing with me" Mr. What's-his-name says excitedly.

"That's just great! She would love to work with you" My mom claps her hand in glee. I can literally see dollar signs forming in her eyes.

"Perfect. We are in a rush. Here's my card. Give me a call and we'll set a meeting and explain everything to you" Mr. Foincii thrusts a card in my hand, gives me a kind smile and leaves with the pony tail guy.

My mom goes to see them off. I am still standing there trying to understand what's happening.

Modeling! I never thought about modeling in my entire life. And my mom got me into it without even asking me. Not even a tiny heads up.

My mom walks back in with a smile.

"Make sure to give him a call later. I already discussed the contract with him. You just need to go and sign" she says while clearing a few things in living room.

"This is why you called me here" I say, realization hitting me like a kick in the stomach.

"What" she turns towards me.

"THIS IS WHY YOU ASKED ME TO COME DOWN HERE" I shout my hands balling in fists beside me.

"You called me here so you can have name, fame and money using me. Using my body!" I am boiling in anger and sadness.

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