Chapter 16: Please Ass-and-Boob Goddesses, May There Be Two Wrights In School

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Lia's POV:-

I kick Julian from under the table. He glares at me. I shrug.

I am sooooo bored. Julian is doodling in his notebook.He is making a flower. I slap his hand away and transform the stem into a penis and the petals into balls.

Don't ask how people....

I am very talented.....

It's physics class and the teacher is teaching at his own pace without any care. Julian sniggers beside me, on seeing my artwork. He attaches a body and we both continue to add disturbing details, all the while coughing and wheezing to cover up for our laughs.

"Ms. Anderson is there a problem?" Mr. Hicks asks irritatingly.

"Umm.... Not at all sir. Everything is under control" I smartly salute him.

The class chuckles. "Alright then, would you mind standing up" he says placing his hands on the teacher's table. I stand up.

"Tell me how would we solve this question here. Do we use acceleration or speed?"

I look past him at the board. I have no fucking clue what he was teaching.

"Like I expected. You don't know" Mr. Hicks says crossing his arms and smirking like a smart-ass.

His expression irks me. He opens his mouth to give another one of his taunts.

So I do what I do.

I take REVENGEEE!!! HAHAHAHA..........

Too dramatic.....

I interrupt him, "Sir this question can't be solved."

He frowns, getting surprised a bit.

I continue, "Sir at the beginning of this question, you have made an quadratic equation. It has no roots. So, there was no point in filling the whole board when the question has a one word answer i.e. indeterminable."

Mr. Hicks now looked impressed. The whole class was silent.

I get it. I get it.

'How did this freak solve physics?'

Well, I am not stupid. In fact I am just the opposite. I am brainy. I love maths and physics, and can solve it easily. Problem is I have a bad memory, so I suck at history and almost all other subjects.

I am also very lazy to put extra effort in them....

"That was actually correct. Sit down Ms. Anderson and please behave. Mr. D'Costa you too" Mr. Hicks says nodding at us both.

Julian also gives him a salute while I get my ass down. Few kids are still staring and Mr. Hicks still has an impressed look as he turns back to the board.

"I love it when you freak people out like that, with your hidden nerd personality" Julian chuckles.

I smack his head. "Not a nerd" I mutter.

"Suuurreee" Julian says sarcastically.


"Ms. Anderson, a word" Mr. Hicks stops me as I make my way out.

"Umm.. Sure" I say. I walk up to him at his table while everyone leaves the class.

"I have been teaching here for many years, but never once have I found a student whose been able to spot that equation" he smiles at me.

"Okay..." I say unsurely.

"What do you wish to become when you grow up?" Mr. Hicks asks peeking at me through his owl-glasses.

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