Chapter 45: Take The Corgi To Get Laid

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Lia's POV:-

I look confused at how all the team members were running around the beach. Weren't we supposed to leave in about five minutes?

I spot my brother, Alex, Ian and Dylan along with Luke standing near the bus. I walk closer to them to hear Luke's irritated snap, "-guys, don't say anything like this in front of her. You'll freak her out." The boys vigorously nod.

"Of course man."

"We understand."


"We'll behave."

I clear my throat, and they turn around. Luke's face softens on seeing me, while the rest of them wear identical smiles.

"Lia, Luke just asked me to be his best man at your wedding!" Alex give a fake squeal, coming forward and hugging me.

"But then he decided, I would make a better looking best man" Ian smirks, winking at me.

"Shut up guys!" Max scolds. Luke looks at him gratefully. "If anyone should do it, it has to be me. Cause, both bride and groom will be special to me" Max coos, pinching an annoyed Luke's cheeks.

"And I would recommend, you name your first born after me," Dylan offers. "If it's a boy, Dylan, and if it's a girl, Dylianalla."

"Isn't that what we called you till 3rd grade?" Alex asks. I was quietly observing.

"Dylan I was thinking, we would let you and Julian keep our first born," I explain going closer to him. "You could name the child Judy, you know Julian + Dylan."

Dylan visibly pales, while Luke laughs. "Well played" he fist-bumps with me. Suddenly, Dylan turns a startling shade of red as he glares at someone behind us. Julian was coming towards us, laughing with another boy. 

Before anyone could react, Dylan storms towards them and scares the boy away.

"What gave you the bloody right to do that?" Julian angrily snaps at Dylan, who followed him sulkily. Luke put a hand around my waist, pulling me closer. I look up, but he was looking at Julian and Dylan.

"Hey! You said last nigh-"

"Well I changed my mind" Julian sweetly interrupts. "So get out of my face, you-"

Julian bites back the curses, as he acknowledges the audience. "Hi guys," he speaks calmly, completely contrasting his earlier voice. "Why aren't we going?"

"Coach said we'll be leaving in the afternoon" Max informs, sitting at the steps of the bus. 

"Let's go to the mall then" Julian suggests. "We could roam around there, cause I don't feel like unpacking my trunks."

"Good idea," Alex thumps his back. "Let's go!"

Julian comes forward towards me, but stops on seeing Luke. Luke was not exactly glaring but, he was tensed. Like if Julian pulled me out of his grasp, Luke would let go. But he won't be comfortable about it. Julian passes a silent message to me, 'I-am-good-you-handle-him' and skips along Ian.

"You guys go, I'll be at the beach" Dylan mumbles.

"Nonsense!" Max puts a hand around Dylan's shoulder.

"No man," he mutters, removing Max's hand. "You guys go, bye."

I feel sad, watching Dylan go away. "You guys start walking, I'll bring that idiot," Julian tells us and runs after Dylan. I give Luke a knowing smile. He fondly kisses my forehead.

"How long before you'll be okay with Julian and me?" I ask quietly. Luke and I were walking behind Max, Alex and Ian. 

"Does it make any difference?" Luke mutters, one hand in his pocket, the other holding mine. 

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