Chapter 31: Shakespeare's Dog Bit His Ass

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Lia's POV:-

"My papa got me this shirt from Paris as a gift. The print is exquisitely designed by the very original..."

Me and Julian exchange irritated glances as Ava and her friends park themselves close to where we were standing, interrupting our banter with their loud gloating. We both simultaneously eye Ava's bright purple shirt which had some design that looked like snake's ovaries.

"I swear, I won't even tolerate that print on my toilet paper" Julian grimaced. I silently snigger.

"Yeah, tha'll be frobleblatic" Ava fans her face. Julian turns to me baffled.

"She meant problematic" I provide automatically.

"Oh he's here. He's here!" one of the girls squeal excitedly. I watch with interest as Ava's face lights up in response. She signals everyone to quiet down quickly fixing her hair.

Me and Julian wait curiously to see what was of such utmost importance. To my utmost annoyance Luke slowly walks in, scanning some papers in his hand.

I would clock this bitch if she tries anything..

But if looked carefully enough, which I swear I never do, you can almost see the faintest expression of joy at Luke's face. He must be checking his test papers. 

Things have quietened down considerably ever since Max stopped trying to convince me to come back. I felt my heart break every time I saw the guilty expression on his face when I said no. But I knew that it would be better for everybody if I stayed out. I don't want Max to stay in a house which would be filled with all tension, yelling and screaming.

As for Luke, I feel like I am back to stage one, when I first met him. It's been a few days since the 'Big Revelation' like Julian likes to call it. Since then whenever I meet Luke's eyes we share a secret smile. Sometimes I casually sit beside him in lunch and much to my delight, everytime he turns his body so that he's leaning towards my side as we quietly tease and talk to each other when no one looks. I mean this is much much better than when we broke up and he won't bat an eyelash towards me.

I feel someone nudge my stomach. Julian raises his eyebrows signalling towards Ava. She was tugging down her shirt and pumping out her chest.

"Looks like she is all set for peacocking" Julian mutters. I resist the urge to clench my fists.

"Hey Luke" Ava purrs. I suck in my cheeks to stop laughing because Luke doesn't even raise his head as he gave her an almost imperceptible side nod.

"Crrrushed!" Julian giggles quietly. I smile inwardly feeling super proud of Luke.

"Look at him, he's still not over that one night we shared" Ava theatrically puts a hand on her chest as she walks away.

Wait what?!

"Yeah right" Julian scoffs at Ava's retreating form. "I bet 100 bucks that Lukey boy would rather cosplay with me, than 'share a night' with her."

"You think?" I ask Julian concerned.

"Think? I know it. You should see how all the boys shrink away when that blonde bitch walks by. I mean they all still think she's super hot but you know.." Julian pauses looking for the right word.

"..she's a bitch" I provide again.

"Yeah right" Julian grins at me. I bow my head graciously.


"And then sir said that I should not try to study trigonometry because my brains might explode from too much stress" Julian pouts.

"Well he had a point" I mumble craning my neck to spot Max among the sweaty boys in locker rooms.

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