Chapter 35: "Like We Are In Love?"

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Lia's POV:-

I curl my toes in the beach sand and lower my sunglasses. Luke is walking towards me, his body was glistening in the sun, still wet from the dip he took in the sea. I was wearing my favorite dark blue bikini, and my nails were painted shiny red. I bite my lip as I watch the water droplets sliding through his abs. He smirks on catching me gawking at him and runs a hand through his hair, purposefully flexing his biceps. I frown in puzzlement.

Luke is showing off?

I mean usually he smiles or does something not flaunting? 

"Hey baby" he says lying beside me in the sand. I smile at the naturalness of his voice. His green eyes are sparkling in the sun.

"How was the sea?" I ask turning towards him.

"Not finer than you" he smirks again.

Okay super weird. Why is he acting like Ian?

I am distracted as he softly catches my lips. Smiling, I place a hand on his jaw.

At least this feels the same..

Luke plays with the thread of my bikini top then trails his hand down, softly pulling down the bottom piece.

"Hey, we are in public" I break the kiss, frowning at him.

"C'mon sweetness, it's our honeymoon after all" he murmurs against my lips. Before I could react somebody clears their throat and drops beside Luke. I look up to see Julian looking at us mischievously.

"Hey big fellow" Julian purrs, suggestively placing a hand on Luke's thighs. I sit up, raising my eyebrows in surprise and indignation.

He's my big fellow.

To my utter disbelief Luke turns around and kisses Julian. 

What the-

My jaw drops open and I am wheezing trying to get words out.

"What are you doing?!" I finally exclaim pulling them apart. Both of them first frown at me, then start laughing.

"Lenny, what happened?" Julian asks.

"What happened?! You tell me what the fuck is happening?" I wildly gesture towards them.

"Lia, don't you remember?" Luke asks holding my shoulder.

"What?! Remember what for Christ's sake!"

"We three got married" Luke shrugs, like it's the most natural thing in the world. "Remember how the law passed, making threesome weddings legal."

My blood ran cold as I stare at them mortified beyond belief.

"You really should not be this dramatic" Julian chuckles. "After all, you were the one, happily watching last night, as Luke and I took turns with each other." Luke nods confirming his statement.

I pull my hair, my eyes wide like oranges. This cannot be happening! I watch in disbelief as Luke runs a finger along Julian's eyebrows, while Julian purrs and catches his finger in his mouth and suck it, giving him a seductive stare.

"No! No no no! Stop looking at each other like that" I grit my teeth, slapping Luke and Julian's heads.

"Look like what?" Julian innocently shrugs.

"Like we are in love?" Luke asks just as sweetly.

"That's cause we are" they both say in unison and entwine their hands looking at each other like they were on fucking Titanic. I am finding it hard to breath at this point. I feel like someone stabbed my stomach.

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