Chapter 36: I Outgrew My B-Shells

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Lia's POV:-

I duck into a corner and watch Luke and Alex pass by. I sigh in relief and and continue going towards my classroom pulling the hood closer to my face.

"Did you safely place the bomb in it's place?" Julian whispers, as I sit next to him. I look at him confused.

"What?!" I ask irritated.

"Oh, so we are not in a secret mission?" Julian asks in mock surprise.

"Cause the way we've been jumping around had me thinking otherwise" he snaps glaring at me.

"I don't understand you" I lie.

"Really Lenny?" Julian growls. "Then why the fuck did you push us inside a janitor's stinky closet and stuff my mouth with a piece of paper?" I open my mouth to reply.

"And after that-" he continues "-you leave me there confused out of my mind, and disappear in thin air." I gulp, smiling guiltily.

Yeah, about that..

"And why Oh why, are you wearing this huge bag of trash?"

"It's your hoodie" I reply offended.

"So you know it's my clothing. I will presume, you also know it's my loosest clothing which is the reason you look like a drowning dolphin in it. What the hell is with you? And remove this for Christ's sake!" he pushes back the hood from my face. "I can only see your lips with that thing. How did you not fall down?"

"Judy relax. I am just jumpy because I had a scary dream about the school hallways last night."

Thankfully, the teacher comes in and I am saved. Thing is that, I am avoiding Luke. I know after last night I must be like clinging to him, but honestly I am feeling super shy. Like now that my period is almost over, and I have my mind thinking normally again, unhampered by emotions, I realize what a fool I made out of myself. He saw me crying over a cartoon, he washed the dishes, he cleaned my goddamn room for Pete's sake! I just feel so embarrassed.

This morning I knew he was looking at me when I met my brother. But I didn't even make eye contact and scooted out of there. I could almost hear my heart whining. Whenever we cross each other in the hallways, we would inconspicuously smile at each other. But today I was dead on avoiding him.

The question is for how long?


"Look who I caught sneaking out off school?"

"I was not sneaking out" I roll my eyes at Ian shaking off his firm grip over my elbow. I could feel everyone at the lunch table looking at me.

"I was just following a bird" I say like it's obvious, carefully avoiding the side where Luke was sitting. Everybody gave me unimpressed looks as I sat down between Max and Dylan. 

Fuck! Bad position..

Luke was sitting right in front of me. I keep my eyes on the lunch studying the sandwich bread. I could feel Luke looking at me. With insane amount of self control I eat my lunch not talking or looking at anyone.

Once everybody is minding their own business, I look up at Max. He was listening to Alex chattering and winking at some girl few tables away.


I look at Dylan who was frowning at Julian who was passionately talking about something. Weirdly they both were talking so low, that I could not even catch a word they were saying.

After Julian, Ian was sitting writing something with a marker on some girl's hand who was sitting next table. They were giggling and flirting among themselves.

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