Chapter 13: "You Think The World Revolves Around Your Bony Ass"

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Natalia's POV:-

" I don't understand.... You did not even score one guy! What's happening to you?" Julian stares at me.

I just shrug. He was still talking about the party. I could not tell him, I was busy grinding Luke.

Which I don't mind doing again.

Bad bad Lia.

"Is it because of the whole modelling stuff?" Julian looks at me worriedly.

"Umm... yeah kinda. My mind is preoccupied with a lot of things lately" I lie.

My mind is occupied with only one thing.

The modelling stuff was going quite smoothly. I even enjoyed it a bit. Plus, it's good money. I'll be needing a lot for college because I can't see anyone who would bother to support me. I would have to rent a place and all that. I did not want to put pressure on Max.

"Oh Lenny.... Why don't you take a break?"

"It's ok Julian. I am just fine. I just need a bit time to get used to it" I smile at him.

We are going to the ice-cream parlour since we both decided we need to eat free stuff.

I'll have to do some extra gym for this ice-cream tour.

Uh, the things I do for love...

We enter and find the place deserted. Only the boys were hanging around. Usually we had to wait in line for ice-cream.

My eyes automatically find Luke. He was talking to Ian. I avert my eyes and try to calm my racing heart. Ever since that night at the party, we have been avoiding each other. I even caught him with a guilty look when he was with Max. I guess we both know, it can't happen. And it was weakness in the moment.

Yeah that's what it was..... my mind sarcastically adds.

"Come here guys... Alex is making his famous oreo shake" Dylan beckons us.

Julian and I immediately join them, me sitting in the corner most seat.


"Can I have another glass pweaase..." Ian pleads.

"Shut up or I'll smash the mixing bowl on you" Alex says finishing his drink.

I laugh as I see Ian pouting. I accidently make eye-contact with Luke. We both stiffen a bit. Then so as to release the tension he nods at me and gets back to his drink.

I hate this. I don't like this weirdness. Earlier was so much better when he secretly gave me a smile.

My phone vibrates in my pocket. I check the caller id to see Mrs. Penelope calling. She is Nana's neighbor. I wonder why she's calling me.

"Hey Mrs. Penelope. How are you?" I greet her turning away from the boys to tune out their voices.

"Lia honey, I am so so sorry" her voice breaks.

I feel my hands getting cold. I don't like the sound of this.

"Why? What happened? Is Nana alright?" I ask a little too sharply.

Max comes and stands near me from across the counter. He raises an eyebrow at me. I shake my head at him.

"Lia, I don't know how to tell you child... This m-morning I-I went to see your Nana since Millie was on vacation"she stutters. Millie is a home-nurse whom I found before leaving Nana's house. "But she was passed out on the floor. I immediately called the ambulance but it was of no use. Sh-she was already...." She started crying into the phone.

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