Chapter 29: "Every Tom, Dick And Harry Hides Up My Ass?!"

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Luke's POV:-

"I swear I don't mind having to walk out naked in front of her entire family again. It was the best night" Ian says dreamily. I watch in amusement as the guys silently chuckle to themselves.

"Have you seen Jake?" Julian whines, as he and a very annoyed Natalia joins us.

"For the millionth time, no one cares!" Lia says clenching her jaw in irritation. My hands automatically itch to touch her. I have never felt so drawn to anyone.

But I force myself to not think about her. She does not want anything and that night made it more than clear to me. Not to mention all the boys she's been walking around with.

"What about Eric?" Julian pouts.

"Goddamn it Julian! Do you think every Tom, Dick and Harry hides up my ass?!" Lia snaps.

"That would be really difficult, considering it's so tight" Dylan says bending his head analyzing her back.

I could kill this fucker right now, and not care at all.

She rolls her eyes, but smiles anyway. She does not look all good. Her eyes are a dull blue today, which is itself unusual since they normally glow neon with some sort of energy.

"Well something sure is in your ass considering you are so pissed off today" Julian points out. Lia ignores him.

"No seriously" he continues turning towards us, "I just saw her turn down such a sexy guy who-"

Julian could not finish as Lia rams him into the lockers by his collar. He winces from the impact. Everybody's eyes widen in surprise.

"Can't you just mind your own fucking business" Lia growls. Julian mutters a sorry looking hurt and a little scared. She lets go of his collar and storms away.

"What happened to her?" Max asks in bewilderment. Julian gives a tiny shrug as he rubs his neck.

"Periods?" Ian whispers.

"No, she won't do something like this because of mood swings. She just took out her anger on me" he mumbles.

"Should we check on her?" Max asks.

"No, she will come and say sorry when she has calmed down. Man, I am going to juice out a good apology" Julian grins though he still looked a little hurt.


"What exactly did Alex and Ian do that they are being made to sweep the entire campus?" Julian asks. We all smile unknowingly as Max answers, "They both-"

Max stops short as Lia walks past us into the house as if we didn't exist. I did not see her at all today, even during lunch. Since she was avoiding everybody Julian hung out with us.

"Why don't you continue the story, while I go ask her if she wants to join us for a movie?" I say to Max. I don't wait for an answer as I jog up to their open door.

"You thought I'd never find out" I hear someone say from the drawing room.

"C'mon, why are you waiting here" Max slaps my shoulder as he also joins me.

"Find out what?" I hear Lia's voice.

Max and I enter at the exact time Mel slaps Lia. The sound resonated through the room as I see deep red bruises forming on Lia's cheek. We both freeze in horror.

Lia cradles her cheek as she looks at her mother in confused anger.

"What is the matter with you?!" she asks carefully applying pressure on her face to stop some pain.

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