Chapter 10

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"You look beautiful, sweetie." grandma said, standing in the door of my room with Ava.

"Thanks, I feel beautiful and I just feel good." I smiled, messing with my hair.

"Alright, a dash of perfume and lipstick and he should be here shortly so get your long beige coat. Monochromatic is the style tonight."

After completing these last few steps and about 10 minutes later Emmett arrived.

"Wow, you look . . . amazing." he said when I opened the door.

His eyes moved from my face to the tips of my toes but he came back and those golden eyes locked on mine.

"Thank you, you look very dashing yourself." I replied and I wasn't lying.

He was wearing a pair of dark blue and well fitted jeans and a dark blue button down shirt with the first few buttons open. He was wearing a grey jacket, left open that flattered his muscular frame. Emmett Cullen could probably wear a brown paper bag and make it look like he's on the cover of GQ.

"You two have a good dinner." grandma said, walking over with Ava Rae.

"Thanks grandma, bye sweetie." I said but my daughter was focused on Emmett, not that I can blame her.

"I think she likes me." he smiled and those adorable dimples popped out.

"Emmett, this is my baby Ava Rae Russell." I took her out of grandma Morgan's arms and walked over to him.

As much time as we've spent at the hospital together, Emmett hasn't met her and that was on purpose. It felt weird to even think about and I think he knew that because even in the supermarket today, he approached me when I was alone. He's a very intuitive man, that's a good thing, a good trait for a man to have.

"I think she likes you too." grandma Morgan said. "Hand over that baby and go have fun."

"By picolla." I muttered, kissing her head.

After giving Ava back to her great-grandmother, I grabbed my coat but Emmett pulled it out of my arms and held it open for me. The smile on grandma's face was comical, she's very much into a well mannered and polite gentleman. He placed his hand on my back and guided me out to his big truck. I'm guessing he saw the surprised look on my face because he started laughing.

"What?" he asked, stopping in front of the truck.

"Why do you need such a big truck? Is this even necessary?" I smiled.

"It's a guy thing, I like big trucks." he smiled. "It's a Ford Everest."

"I will never understand men's obsession with trucks." I said as he opened the door for me.

"I'll never understand women's obsession with shoes."


He closed the door when I got in and quickly ran to the driver's seat. The car smells like him, it's very intoxicating in a sexy way. We made comfortable small talk and at times we were silent but it wasn't an awkward or uncomfortable silence. I don't know what it is about him or why it is, but I feel comfortable with him and I like that.

I know there's something off about Emmett Cullen and the rest of the Cullen family, though I've only met 3 so far. It's clear that something about them isn't 100% normal, but I can't see them being a part of something sinister. I'll find out in due time, I'm curious by nature so I always do. No idea as to what it could be but I will find out what his secret is.

"What made you change your mind?" he asked.

"I . . . I don't know. Grandma Morgan was all for it but I guess, it's like something just clicked. I had entertained the thought of accepting but I couldn't bring myself to do it."

"If you don't mind me asking, why not?"

"I have a baby and you look like you belong on the cover of a GQ magazine."

"What does one thing have to do with the other?" he chuckled, flashing those dimples again.

"A guy who looks like you doesn't normally go for my type. Single mothers are not attractive."

"Why would you say that?"

His curiosity is endearing instead of annoying. He has a way of asking the questions with that cute smile and the adorable dimples and I can't help it.

"Prior conversations with other men, experience. I told you about Brian, he stopped coming around as much when he found out about Ava Rae. No self respecting man wants to date a single mother." I sighed.

"That's really stupid." Emmett stated.


"Yeah, it's stupid. I happen to think you're beautiful and Ava Rae is the cutest thing I've ever seen, cute as a button. Why wouldn't I wanna take you out because of her?"

"You, Emmett Cullen, are unlike any man I've ever met." I said, blushing like a 14 year old school girl.

"I can promise you that." he smiled, taking my hand and kissing my knuckles.

"Where are we going?" I asked since all I could see were trees.

"We're here, this is the driveway to my parents house. All of my siblings live with them since they're still in highschool." he said, pointing out an opening in the trees as he passed by it.

"So many teenagers, your parents must be saints. I mean, Carlisle is as close to one as I've ever seen."

"They're amazing, Esme, my adoptive mom, she's my favorite woman in the world. Don't tell my sister's though because they'll get mad at me." he smiled, turning down a path close to his parents.

"Your secret is safe with me. I take it that you're all really close since you live right next door."

"Yeah, we have our sibling spats like any other family does but yeah, we're all close. How about you? You hear from your brother?"

"Finally got a letter from Micah but not Joshua. I still send them letters weekly, pictures once a month, and I send care packages every two months. It's the least I can do to let them know that I love and support them, to show them that I'm so proud of them."

He shot me a smile that made me weak at the knees. Emmett Cullen, he's definitely something special, those dimples! They just cut through everything.

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