Chapter 41

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Waking up next to him felt really good. Like this is how my day is supposed to start and now everything will go better. Emmett woke me up with a kiss that sizzled my brain and then went to go get Ava who was starting to make noise. While I was in the bathroom, grandma Morgan came in smiling.

"When did that boy get in?" She asked.

"About midnight, he went straight into Ava's room but she was knocked out." I smiled at her.

"I'm so happy that you found Emmett, happy for both of you. He couldn't love that little girl anymore if she were his own flesh and blood. Same for her, Ava adores him." she said.

"She does, they adore each other very much."

"I know that Chris is watching over you and he's happy about this. Happy that you've found someone that takes such good care of both of you."

"Really? You think so?"

"Yeah, I'm sure of it. Well, good morning pretty girl." She smiled but Ava was all smiles only for Emmett.

"Ah! Passed over for a guy, I'm watching you, Emmett Cullen." Grandma playfully scolded.

"I gotta get all the love I can." He smiled, kissing her cheek. "Good morning grandma."

"Good morning to you too. I'm heading to my appointment, don't get into too much trouble." She told us.

"I wouldn't think of it." He said, flashing those adorably sexy dimples.

"Ha! Troublemaker."

"Hello piccola, good morning." I smiled at my daughter as she reached out for me.

"Breakfast time?" He smiled, grabbing a burp cloth.

"Yup, right baby? Almost a year gone in the blink of an eye." I sighed as she latched onto my nipple.

"Six months of happiness for me." He said, leaning down to kiss me.

"Emmett ..."

"You look so beautiful." He muttered.

"Emmett, I'm ... hmm ..." I moaned softly as he kissed my neck.

"So sexy. I'll behave."

"You're horrible, getting me all hot and bothered while I'm feeding Ava. All flustered!"

"My job as your man is to always keep you flustered and make you smile." He smiled his dimple-baring smile.

"Ti amo."

"I love you, too." He smiled softer now, caressing my cheek softly.

"So how are the girls?" I asked.

"Alice is ... Alice, still peppy as shit and a ball of energy. Esme is trying to keep the peace between everyone and Rosalie is still mad at all of them. Alice and Rose miss you two. Esme does too."

"I'm sure that Rosalie only misses Ava but that's okay. I miss all of them." I smiled.

"She won't admit it openly, but I know that she misses you. She's also still angry at Jared for how he spoke to you."

"Em, please tell her not to be. He was just worried about his family." I argued.

"No, he was purposely mean to you and we all know that. Don't try to justify him, he's another one that listens to Edward verbatim I'm sick of it." he sighed.

"Babe, it's gonna be okay. Do you think they'll come back?"

"I honestly don't know. If it were up to Edward, I don't think they will."

"Emmett, that's your family." I said.

"He's broken the family and I don't know if I can forgive and forget that." he said.

"Don't think too much about it."

"Yeah, I've got better things to think about." he smirked at me.

"Stop it!" I scolded.

"When are you seeing Bella again?"

"Going to the res this weekend."

"Val ..."

"I'm going to see Sue and Bella is going to see her friend. She's moving on, Emmett, and this is good for her." I told him.

"I know, it's just ... it's dangerous down there." he said.

"I'm going to Sue's house and maybe the beach, I'll be careful." I smiled.

"Valentina ..."

"I already gave her my word, Emmett, I'm going."

"Promise me you'll be careful." he sighed, cupping my face in his large hands.

"I promise."

"Val ..."

"I promise. Em, can you tell me who the shifters are?"

"No, because I don't know why they are. The ones with the tribal tattoos, that's all I know." he told me.

"Then I'll steer clear of those. Em, I can't not have friends on the res just because ..."

"I know, I just want to keep you safe." he told me.

"You are the most important man in my life and I appreciate that. Where will you be?"

"I'll go home and clean up the place, I'm sure it needs it. I might work on some stuff there too." he smiled.

"Like what?"

"Surprise, surprise." he said.

"Emmett, she already has a super cute nursery, what else can you possibly make her?" I asked.

"Is that an open-ended question?"

"What? No!"

"As in, you're giving me the green light to see what else I can make her?" he smiled wider.

"Emmett, no ..."

"I can't wait."

"I'm losing this fight." I sighed.

"Yes, yes you are. I promise you'll like it though." he said softly.

"Emmett, that's your house."

"It's our house, this is your house, but that's our house. It was built for a bachelor because I had no one, there wasn't anyone else that mattered. Now I have you two and I built a nursery but it's still more of a bachelor pad with a nursery. I won't do something massive or extravagant, just enough to make it more for a family."

"Baby, this is our house too."

"This the house that Chris built for you and we've made it ours, yes, but I want my house to be ours too. Ava Rae will have two homes filled with love, I just want to make sure that my house is more baby-friendly. You two are my future and my home should reflect that, she should be able to grow safely and learn in both of our homes." he said.

"We love you and I know that ... Emmett, I want to be like you at some point but ..."

I've thought about it a lot and I do want to be with him forever or for as long as I can but the thought of outliving my own child ... that stops me. There's no way I would do something like this to her just to keep her with me. I don't know if I have it in me to leave her, I also don't know if I have it in me to leave Emmett alone.

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