Chapter 5

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"Ma'am? Excuse me . . . doctor . . ." a gentleman called as I made my way back to the ER a few minutes later.

"Yes, hello. How can I help you?" I asked, getting an eyeful of a handsome fellow.

"Hi, my idiot brother Roland was just brought in for some kind of surfing accident. I'm Brian Mitchell." he said.

"Yeah, he's up in surgery right now." I informed him.


"He broke his ankle and needs to get a pin placed. He'll be off of his feet for a few weeks and need physical therapy. His surgeon will go more in detail with you once the surgery is over."

"He's an idiot. I don't know what possessed him to think he can surf. The boy has no balance or coordination at all." he sighed.

"We've had a lot of those."

"Dr . . . what's your name?"

"Nurse Rossi, I'm not a doctor yet."

"Right, nurse Rossi, are there any dangers involved in this surgery. Why did this happen without my authorization?"

"It's a pretty easy and straightforward surgery so minimal danger and the doctor operating is the best we have. Also, your brother is 18, he consented for his own surgery. Are you his legal guardian?" I asked.

"At the current moment yes and he gave you a fake ID, he's 16 but I'll sign whatever consent form you need." he sighed, rubbing his hands over his face.

"Sir . . . Brian, he's gonna be okay. A few weeks off of his feet and sooner than you know it he'll be right back to normal." I told him.

"Thanks nurse Rossi." he smiled this cute smile but it wasn't giving me any tingles.

"Valentina, but my friends call me Val."

"So how long until I can call you Val?" he asked, winking at me.

"I don't know, I guess we'll just have to wait and see. For now, I've got to get back to work."

It felt good to flirt with someone again, to have the attention of an eloquently spoken man. It was fun and I ran into him a few times that first night his brother was in the hospital. I can tell that he's interested in me but I don't get any tingles from him, it's sad really because he is good looking.

Brian took to occasionally stopping by the hospital to see me after his brother was released and while it was flattering, again . . . no sparks. There's no denying that he's hot as sin and a few of the nurses fawn over him but he doesn't do it for me. I think he's realized that because he's toned down the flirting but he still comes around. I tried to feel the tingles and sparks but they just aren't there, even a month after meeting him.

My first two months in Forks passes so quickly, I almost can't believe it. So far things have been good, I've hung out with Brian and some of the nurses, always in a group setting though. I have dinner planned tonight with grandma Morgan but of course I'm running late. We had an ambulance come in, well three of them actually, from a car accident on the freeway. Now I'm running to the daycare to get Ava and head home to cook.

"Valentina!" one of the older nurses shouted, making me stop.

"Yes Miss Savannah?"

"The Connor boy, the one who was having his appendix removed, how long was he in surgery? Nadine and I have a bet going on." she said from behind the nurses station.

"It's in the file." I chuckled at the two nurses who bet on anything.

"Not the one that we have." Nadine argued.

I leaned on the desk, smiling at the two older women. They certainly make my days more entertaining.

"Come on, just answer the question." Miss Savannah stated.

"How much?" I asked them.

"50." Nadine replied.

"The two of you are incorrigible, he was in the OR for . . . uh, five-plus hours. We didn't quite make it to six." I said, going back to the surgery from this morning that I scrubbed in on.

My official title is ER nurse but I do have my credentials to be a scrub nurse. Because of the situation with Chris and Ava Rae, I wasn't able to continue on to my residency.

"I won! I said five and a half to your four!" Nadine said.

"Damn it . . . let's go get . . ."

"Hi, I'm looking for Dr. Cullen . . ." we heard.

I turned around and felt slightly overwhelmed at the physical beauty of this man. He was familiar to me because I had seen him in photos but in person, he is so much more breathtaking. Tall, about six feet, probably around 6'2, broad chest and shoulders, dark curly hair contrasting with extremely pale skin and beautifully golden eyes. Now I'm feeling all sorts of sparks and tingles for this handsome stranger.

"And who are you?" Miss Nadine asked with a very female, feline smile.

My eyes were sort of trapped by his. We were . . . it was sort of like a trance, and I couldn't look away.

"I've got this ladies, his dad is in surgery right now anyway. I'll show him to the office." I said, finally tearing my eyes away.

"Father? You're Dr. Cullen's son?" Miss Savannah asked.

"Yes, that's my dad." he smiled at her and I think she almost fainted when the dimples popped out.

"Sweetie don't you have to go?" Miss Nadine asked.

"It's okay, it's on my way Miss Nadine. Follow me." I told him.

"You ladies have a good evening." he said in that velvety chocolate voice.

"You too sweetheart." Miss Savannah said.

"You've got two admirers there." I told him as we walked away.

"I think you might have just saved me from a possible sexual assault." he grinned.

"Knowing Miss Nadine and Miss Savannah, that's a very large possibility." I agreed, smiling back.

"Well then, I owe you my life and possibly my virtue."

"I highly doubt that."

"What? You don't believe me . . ."

"Valentina Rossi, my friends call me Val. You are?"

"Emmett Cullen, I'm guessing you work with my dad." he said.

"Yes, he hired me. I saw a family picture on his desk but I never asked names, I thought it might be considered rude."

"He wouldn't think that. So you have something to do or somewhere to be? I don't want to take up too much of your time." he asked.

"Yeah, I've got dinner plans with my grandmother and I've gotta pick up my daughter from daycare."

"Daughter?" he asked in shock and it's a sentiment that I've grown accustomed to. "How old are you? If you don't mind me asking that is."

"I'm 24 and I have a 5-month-old."

I saw his eyes flicker to my hand and the brief moment of relief when he saw no ring on my fingers. Color me surprised.

"That's awesome, kids are cool." he smiled.

"Well . . . I . . . uh . . . here's your dad's office and I have to go." I replied.

"I'll see you around Valentina Rossi."

"Goodbye Emmett Cullen."

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