Chapter 37

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"I know ... I know." she sighed too.

"I'm lost." Val said, walking over to take Ava.

"We've moved a lot because of certain incidents with locals in our time. Edward never complains, he checks thoughts, reads the area, and moves. No argument from him. He's asking us to do this for him once and I understand." Rose said.

"Am I mean for still thinking he's overreacting?" Val asked.

"Not really, the situation was made into something worse earlier because of his abrupt reaction." she replied.

"I don't want you to leave." Val sniffled. "I'm gonna miss you all."

"We're going to miss you too."

"Can you come visit? We can meet up in Seattle or something." Val offered.

"That can be doable." Rose smiled, dazzling my girlfriend.

"How's Carlisle?" Val asked.

"He's stuck between a rock and a hard place. I think everyone is a little upset at him for just following Edwards wishes instead of checking in first. There are options and ways to deal with everything but Edward wants to leave so Carlisle's just going to leave." Rose grumbled.

"He wants the best for his kids." Val said softly.

"Honestly speaking, it's not in his best interest to leave because the idiot's only going to hurt himself and Bella in the process but ... I digress."

"Listen ... you'll always be ... welcome at my ... house." Val told her, yawning between her words.

"Go back to sleep babe." I told her, kissing her forehead.

"Good night." she said softly before walking into the nursery to lay Ava back down.

"You're happy." Rose said.

"I am, they make me happy." I smiled.

"Make her happy, Em. Don't lose sight of her in all of this. I really do like her."

"I do too."

"Jared ... he ..."

"Hurt her on purpose, I won't forgive him for doing that and scaring Ava in the process." I told her.

"Understandable. Em, he just wants ..."

"He wants you safe and I get that, I can forgive him for that. He didn't have to talk to her that way."

"He knows. Bye Emmett." she sadly stated.

"See you later." I said as she ran out.

This whole situation is ridiculous. He's putting unnecessary hurt on everyone but in the same breath, I'd want to protect Val from any and everything. It's just a whole hot mess. Having spent enough time alone, I walked into my bedroom smiling when I saw Val curled into a ball in the middle of my bed.

"To sleep." I whispered when I laid down next to her.

"I was waiting for you." she muttered, already half unconscious.

"I'm here now and I'm never leaving you."

"Ti amo." she said in Italian.

"I love you too."

In the morning, Val and Ava had a later morning than normal. I don't mind in the least as long as I get to keep them in bed with me. Carlisle asked me to come over again and although I don't want to leave my home, Val insisted that I go.

"What's up?" I asked my father figure.

"Emmett, I ... are you sure that you want to stay?" he asked me.


"Son, we've already been apart for so long ..."

"I'm not leaving Val and Ava." I said.

"Take good care of her." he sighed.

"Why are you just accepting his word as rule and following him?" I asked.

"I don't want to tear my family apart and I owe him this much, we all do." he said.

"Past incidents aside, I understand why you believe that. I just can't fathom walking away from my mate. Carlisle, I can't do it."

"I understand son, I really do. This situation has created a divide in this household and it feels as if nothing is the right answer." he sighed.

I love him, he gave me this life, and thanks to that I found Valentina and Ava Rae. I can only imagine the type of stress that this puts him in.

"Everyone has a different right answer, there's no way to placate all of us. I respect his decision to want to leave even if I think it's stupid. My life is here now, with my girls, and I won't walk away from them." I said softly.

"How is Valentina?" Carlisle asked.

"Upset, naturally, she doesn't want anyone to leave."

"She's a naturally caring person ..."

"Is she okay? Really okay?" Jasper asked, walking into the room.

"She's not mad at you or anything like that, she's not mad at anyone." I told him.

"She should be." he sighed. "She should be terrified."

"Don't let anyone influence your opinion of her. She just wanted to try and make sure that you were safe." I told him, placing my hand on his shoulder.

"I could've hurt her, Emmett."

"You didn't and we don't know what would've happened. Don't dwell on the past." I said.

"Take good care of her." he said before walking out of the room.

"Where are you going to stay?" Carlisle asked me.

"Between my house and hers, I'll keep myself hidden, don't worry. Bella won't see me ever again."

It took them a week to figure out what to do. By Friday evening the house was empty and there were blankets all over the furniture. I really can't believe he went through with it. After helping them fix everything I said bye to the members of my family that were still speaking to me, everyone but Jared and Edward, and ran off to Val's house.

She told grandma Morgan that the family was leaving and that I was going with them to help them settle in but I'd be back. That for the moment, we'd be 'long distance' so that everyone would believe that we really left.

"Hey you." Val said when I walked into her room.


"Are you okay?"

"I can't believe he actually went through with it." I sighed, laying down next to her.

"It's gonna be alright. If you want to go and help them settle in ..."

"They're all going to different places." I told her.

"Oh, okay, well now what?" she asked.

"Now, we get to have some peace." I sighed, leaning over to kiss her.

"That sounds really good." she sighed happily, cuddling up next to me but under her blanket.

This is the reason I stood behind. She is my peace, my happiness, yeah, there's no way I'm walking away.

What's ForeverOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora