Chapter 78

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Somehow, I got upgraded with TSA, so we didn't wait as long in security. There's also the fact that when he's not smiling, Emmett can seem very ... imposing. And then he breaks into smiles, and those dimples pop, and every woman within viewing distance is drooling over my boyfriend. He kept looking at me, but I just smiled. I do mean every woman, no matter her age, was watching him. It kinda feels good.

"That was no fun." Emmett said as we sat in the lounge for First Class.

"It was a lot of fun. Why are we here?" I asked, and he just winked at me.

"I wanted to do something nice."

"First class is so much more than nice. Thank you, baby, for always spoiling us. You know you don't have to, right?"

"I know, that's why I always want to. You never ask for anything, so I wanna give you everything—both you and Ava Rae. I never thought I'd get to have a daughter, so I plan on spoiling both of you, and especially her, all I can. We'll keep her grounded and won't let the money or the gifts get to her head, but I will give her everything I can. Within reason." he finished before I could argue.

"You are the most, Emmett Cullen." I sighed, smiling when he leaned in to kiss me.

"I am the most, right sweetie, I absolutely am." he said, taking Ava from me.

"Dadadadada." She babbled.

"She's spoken and agreed." I smiled.

"That's my girl!" Emmett smiled as well.

The older ladies watching us ... watching Emmett, all started cooing when they saw him with a babbling Ava Rae. I mean, who can blame them? My daughter is gorgeous, my boyfriend is delectable, and they make such a pretty picture together. I can't get over it at all.

"Question ... why Alaska?" I asked him.

"I thought about the Bahamas or something Caribbean, but Ava isn't used to that kind of weather. I figured Alaska because it's on your 'I'm not gonna call it a bucket list' bucket list. I know the weather there, and it's good, especially around this time of year."

"You are amazing, and I can't wait." I smiled giddily.

"You snowboard and ski. I know a few places we can go. You can bundle Ava with you, or I can." he told me.

"So what now?"

"Now we travel in style, so sit back and relax."

"I'm a mom, relaxing while traveling isn't the easiest thing to do and won't help my nerves."

"Just try ..."

"How long is travel time for the whole thing?" I asked.

"It will take about 6 ½ hours for the whole trip. Almost 4 hours for the flight and then another 3 hours driving to where we're going. I'll drive and take those 3 hours because Ava's in the car. If it were just us, it would take me half that." he said.

"Of course it would."

"I like to drive fast, what can I say?" he smiled.

"What time do we get there?"

"About 8 pm their time."

"Thank you." I smiled at him.

"Baby, you are so very welcome. I kind of wanted to talk to you about something." he said, booping Ava on the nose


"About you going back to school to be a surgeon."

"Emmett, that's a pipe dream." I sighed.

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