Chapter 55

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"Em, can you make the living room ten square feet larger, make it square, not rectangular." Alice said as I framed the house

It took me a couple of minutes to make the changes and her smile let me know that we were moving in the right direction. As I continued to put up the framework, I knew as soon as my family came into the area.

"Emmett please ..." Alice muttered.

"It's fine." I said, hammering in a nail a little harder than I needed to.

They took their time coming over to us and I believe it's because I'm here. We're only a few hundred feet from the family house so they knew we were here as soon as they came into the area. I smiled when I saw them though, not for all of them.

"Emmett." Esme sighed, walking over to me and wrapping her arms around my waist despite the sawdust all over me.

"Mom ..." I happy sighed, hugging her and lifting her off of the ground.

"You look happy." she said, taking my face in her hands.

"I am happy, this is where I belong."

"Brother." Jasper said.

"It's good to see you, major." I smiled.

"It's better to see you." he smiled, hugging me too.

"Emmett, son ..." Carlisle said, keeping a few feet of distance between us.

I walked over and hugged him but kept it short and sweet.

"Alice put you to work quickly." Jasper chuckled.

"Both of you, now that you're here." she smiled before kissing her mate.

In all honesty, no mated vampire enjoys being far from their mate for any period of time and Alice has been here for almost two weeks now. Being away from Val and Ava eats at me each time, I'm glad we don't have to do that anymore.

"Whatever you want Ally." he smiled.

"So what happens now?" I asked.

"Jared, Rosalie, and Edward will be here soon." Carlisle said.

"Keep them away from Val."

"Emmett ..."

"No, Carlisle, keep them away from me and away from my mate." I growled.

"What about Rose?" Esme asked.

"If she wants to see Val, I'll ask if that's okay before anyone just shows up at her house. I know for a fact that Jared won't go there anyway. Not if he knows what's good for him."

"Emmett, please, I would like to keep the peace between my family." Carlisle said.


"Carlisle, no ..." Esme sighed.

"What peace are you keeping? Edward's peace of mind? Jared's peace from a guilty conscience?" I demanded.

"Son ..."

"No! You were right there with him when they decided to make me choose between leaving my mate and going with my family and you didn't say a thing. Would you have done it? Would you have left Esme? Would Jared have left Rose? I don't think so! Just because my mate is human and we don't have the same time together that any of you do, doesn't make her any less of my mate." I argued.

"I'm sorry, Emmett." Carlisle sighed.

"With all due respect, being sorry isn't going to change anything." I sighed, rubbing my hands over my face.

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