Chapter 58

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"What did you find? Or not find?" I asked as I held out the plates.

"Oh she does like us." he smiled, grabbing the plate quickly.

"She's great in the kitchen." Bella smiled, standing next to me to avoid Edward.

"This tastes amazing." Sam said.

"Okay, lay it on me." I told them, leaning into Emmett when he wrapped his arms around me.

"We lost the scent." he said, kissing my temple.

"How far out?"

"Miles away, looks like whoever this was got into a car. The stop was very sudden and then it was completely gone." Sam said.

"So what now?" I sighed.

"We've worked on a new patrol schedule. We're gonna alternate nights with the Cullens around both your house and Bella's house. It wasn't the redhead but we can't just discard her." he replied.

"Geez, I'm sorry." I told them.

"Sorry for what? This isn't your fault, it's that damn vampire's fault." Jared said.

"You guys have enough to watch out for without including babysitting my house."

"You're like an honorary pack member, Leah volunteered for the first shift tonight." Sam said.

"Well, she can crash here in the morning if she needs to." I told him.

"I'll let her know. Are you okay?" he asked.

"I'm ..."

"Fine." Jake, Emmett, and Edward chorused.

"She's not." Jasper added.

"I don't know what I am." I admitted.

"That's ... surprisingly normal." Edward chuckled.

"None of us are exactly normal, I just ... I'm worried about Grandma Morgan and Ava." I sighed.

"We're gonna keep you safe, I promise." Emmett said.

"We wanna keep you around for a long time, darlin'." Jasper smiled.

"Not all of you." I replied, making Sam and Jared growl softly.

"Ah, the ones that matter do." Jasper said, shrugging his shoulders.

"Jared ... how was it?" I asked when he stood up to wash his plate.

"That was really good, can I come back for more?" he asked, making me laugh.

"Jared!" Sam scolded.

"It's okay, the least I can do is cook for you all if you're gonna be spending days and nights running around Forks for protection."

"I told Sue to keep your grandma over there for a while longer until we cleared everything, we'll let her know that it's safe to come home." Sam said.

"Thank you ... for everything." I said, trying not to cry.

I was really rude to them and here they are volunteering to babysit me. They aren't as bad as I wanted them to be, it was easier to stay away and stay mad if they were. I just want this all to be over.

"You're welcome, Jake, Jared, let's go." Sam said.

"Wait, she didn't answer me. Can we come back for food?" Jared asked.

"Jared!" Sam and Jake shouted, making me laugh.

"How about you let me know when you're on patrol and I'll make sure to leave some food out for you?" I smiled.

"Yes! That sounds like a plan." he smiled.

"Let me know whenever you guys have babysitting duty, the least I can do is feed you all." I told Sam.

"No problem, Leah should be here around 7." Sam told me.

"I'll be waiting. See you around, Sam."

"See you."

As soon as he left I turned around and let Emmett tighten his hold on me. He just kissed the top of my head and rubbed my back and that was soothing.

"You want my help?" Jasper asked.

"It's all gonna come right back when you leave, it's okay." I sighed.

"You guys can leave, I've got her from here." Emmett told them.

"Bella, can we ..."

"Are you gonna be okay?" she asked me, interrupting Edward.

He just sighed and made his way outside.

"I will be okay when this is all over. I'm just glad no one was home." I replied. "Go, you've got school tomorrow. I don't want you missing because of me."

"Emmett ...?"

"I've got her, kid Bella, I promise." he said.

"I'll stop by after school tomorrow. Try to get some rest." she said, hugging me when I turned in her direction.

"Are you okay?" I asked her.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Good, I'm here if you need me."

"I know, go take a hot shower and eat something yummy and chocolatey for dessert after dinner." she told me.

"I will." I replied before she walked out as well.

"You want me to help?" Jasper asked again.

"It's fine, I'm just gonna feel it all later again. Thank you though." I smiled.

"Valentina, darlin', I'm so sorry." he said, catching me completely off guard.

"Sorry? For what?"

"For not supporting Emmett's decision, not supporting the two of you. I didn't ..."

"Jasper, please, you don't have to." I said.

"I do, none of us really said anything to help you. We didn't say anything, either way, well Rose did, but silence might have just been worse than taking sides." he sighed.

"Jasper, that was not your fight. There shouldn't have been a need for you to take sides, this is not your fault or your doing." I told him, placing my hand on his arm.

He turned and wrapped his arms around me and I don't know if he used his gift on me or not but I felt a little bit of peace. Like lifting this weight off of him, lifted a weight off of me.

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