Chapter 48

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"Bella don't!" I called out, walking over to the front door.

She walked into the house and the man in the wheelchair just looked up at me curiously.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what got into her." I told him.

"Who are you?"

"Valentina Rossi, I'm a ... friend of Bella's." I said.

"I'm Billy Black, Charlie's mentioned you and so has Jake. Bella and Charlie talk about you a lot. Charlie says you've been helping her and even Harry says you're a good girl. You shouldn't be here." he said softly.

"I was working in the clinic with Sue, why shouldn't I be here?" I asked him.

"It's not safe for either you or Bella." he replied as Bella walked over to us.

"I think I'm gonna let him rest, please tell him that I'll be at the beach." Bella told Billy.

"Sure, sure." Billy said.

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked her.

"I don't think I can drive ... can you take me to the beach?" she asked and that's when I realized she was shaking.

"Bella, what's going on?" I asked as I ushered her to my SUV.

"I don't ... I can't ... why does this keep happening to me?" she muttered, dropping her head in her hands.

We drove to the beach in silence and when we got there, both of us kept walking until we found a long driftwood tree. As we sat there I turned to look at her, really look at her. There are dark circles under her eyes and her hands are still shaking. I pulled my jacket off and wrapped it around her.

"Bella, tell me what's happening, right now or I'm pulling your ass right back to my truck and to the police station. I will tell your dad that you're acting irrational and let him deal with you because none of this is making sense."

"Okay, this is what's happening ..."

I think my mind stop computing somewhere about midway through this monologue. I mean there's no possible way to continue listening to this and remain sane.

"Okay, wait, you're telling me that you went to this random-ass meadow alone?" I interrupted.


"Because you wanted closure?"


"And while there, one of the vampires from way back and the day of the baseball game was there to kill you?"

"He was supposed to do some recon for Victoria but he was gonna kill me instead, yes."

"And Victoria is this ... I'm going off course. The giant ass wolves saved you?"


"And they're behind all of these attacks on the news?"


"And you think that Jake is one of those wolves?"

"Yes." she said.

"And you thought it would be a good idea to confront him? Bella, what the hell is wrong with you? You're so smart and so fucking stupid all at the same time." I hissed.

"I don't think I've ever heard you curse." she said, her cheeks red and her eyes wide.

"You're gonna drive me to drink, I swear you are." I told her, turning to look at the water.

We were silent for about five minutes and then we weren't alone.

"Hi Bella ... and Valentina." the young boy said.

"Jake ..."

He stood a few feet away from us, shifting from one foot to the other. I stood in front of Bella, my maternal instincts kicking in because I really don't know what was about to happen.

"Billy told me you came by ... can we talk alone?"

"No way I'm leaving her with you and I know everything I need to know." I said, making him shoot an unamused look at her.

"It didn't take you very long, did it? I knew you could figure it out." he said to her.

"Yeah, I remember the right story now." she said but her tone wasn't much above a whisper.

"You stay behind me and that's an order." I told her as she shifted.

"You could've just called." he growled.

"I know." she replied.

"Why did you come here? Why did you bring her?" he demanded, pacing back and forth now.

"I thought it would be better face to face."

"Yeah, much better with your guard dog in place." he snorted.

"Watch it kid." I growled.

"Jake, I have to warn you ..."

"About the rangers and the hunters? Don't worry about it, we already know."

As she moved, I grabbed her wrist and kept her by my side. I swear this girl doesn't know what self-preservation is, she really doesn't have a fight or flight sense.

"Don't worry about it? Jake, they've got guns! They're setting traps and ..."

"Why the hell are you warning him about that?" I asked her.

"We can take care of ourselves. They're not going to catch anything. They're only making it more difficult-they'll start disappearing soon enough, too." this child said and I was so shocked by the callousness of his words and so was Bella.

"Jake!" she stated.

"What? It's just a fact."

"What the hell is wrong with you, Charlie is out there! Isn't he your dad's best friend?" I demanded.

"You know these people, how can you feel that way?" Bella asked.

"What more can we do?" was his simple response.

"Bella let's go." I told her.

"Could you ... well, try not to be a ... werewolf?" she asked and his eyes shifted over to me, wide, before narrowing on her.

"Like I have a choice about it! And how would that help anything if you're worried about people disappearing?"

"I don't understand you." she sighed.

"I don't understand any of this." I muttered.

"You know what makes me so mad I could just split?" he asked, glaring at her. "You're such a hypocrite, Bella. There you sit behind her terrified of me! How is that fair?"

"Hypocrite? How does being afraid of a monster make me a hypocrite?" She demanded and I just feel a migraine blooming.

"Well, I'm so sorry that I can't be the right kind of monster for you, Bella. I guess I'm just not as great as a bloodsucker, am I?" he growled, glaring at her as he got closer.

"Back up kid." I stated, pulling Bella behind me again.

"Val, let me talk to him and then we'll leave." she said.

"Are you kidding me? Bella, you said it yourself, they're killing people and you expect me to leave you alone with him? Fuck no!"

"Killing people?" this child asked.

"What did you think we were talking about?" she asked.

"I thought we were talking about your disgust for werewolves." he said, losing some of the acidity in his tone.

"No, Jake, no. It's not that you're a ... wolf. That's fine." she said.

"I'm sorry, what?" I asked, turning to look at her and letting her step away from me because I really don't understand this kind of teenage stupidity.

I mean, I also can't really comment because my boyfriend is a vampire but this kid, this girl, this unstable human being is really trying my patience along with the child that can turn into a large, hairy, dangerous dog.

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