Chapter 66

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"I know, hopefully he'll be around soon."

"Do you know something that I don't?" I asked.

There was something in his tone, in the way that he said soon that made me pause. I know that they weren't allowed to be on the same team, but maybe they were able to keep in contact more than they could with me.

"No, I'm just projecting my happy hopes." He replied.

"Yeah, and I was born yesterday in Atlantis." I sighed.

"It's confidential, bug."

"I bet."

"Val ..." he scolded in that paternal way.

"I'm sorry ... I'm acting like a real a-s-s-h-a-t."

"It's fine, I'm worried too." he said, rubbing my arm.

"You're worried? I'm worried but I've gotten good at ignoring stuff."

"Like no updates once I'm out. I really don't know how spouses and siblings do this. I'm really sorry that we did this to you, bug. How did you manage?" He said, rubbing his hands over his face.

"A lot of hoping and praying that I got a letter from one of you instead of a visit or call from a chaplain informing me about a family loss. I did a lot of praying, for your safety, for a 10-second phone call, for any sign that you were alive." I told him.

"I'm so sorry, bug." he said as he cautiously wrapped his arms around me.

"It's okay, you're here now. One of you is better than none of you, I just ... I always hope for more. This is what we signed up for though." I smiled softly.

"You didn't though, we signed up for this, not you. In a way, I'm glad mom and dad aren't here to have to worry like that. I'm so damn sorry, Valentina. We really don't think that much about what our families are going through because we're not married, I mean, we knew you'd be worried but we're always so focused on the mission that there's no room to worry about anything else."

"Like I said, it's okay. All I care about is that you're here and hopefully, Andy will be here soon too. That's the best I can hope for."

"Alright, you've got a shift in the morning and your guy is probably downstairs waiting for us to finish our talk. He seems like a good guy, Val. I'm glad you found someone who deserves all of your love and sunshine."

"You'll find someone too, maybe here in Forks." I told him.

"Nah, I come with too much baggage." he sighed.

"No, you don't, everyone has baggage, Jeremy. Don't let that stop you from being happy because I know it won't stop me from talking to all of my single nurse friends about you." I smiled.

"What about your friend, Leah?" he asked.

"I can talk to her too, she's single."

"I'd appreciate that one if you don't mind."

"Not at all, good night Jer. I'm spending the night at Emmett's tomorrow night so I'll see you the day after. We've gotta get you a car, I'll ask Leah too if she knows anyone selling a good car on the reservation. I love you, bear."

"I love you too, bug."

Five minutes after Jeremy walked out of my room, Emmett walked in. He took Ava and kissed me before walking out to the nursery. I love listening to them on the baby monitor. He really does love her and she absolutely adores him. It will always be sad to me that she won't remember her biological father but at least she'll have Emmett and that brings us all joy.

"So, if you're spending the night with me, does that mean I get to see you naked?" Emmett asked as he showered with me.

"You realize that you're seeing me naked right now, right?" I laughed.

"Yes but there are lots of things that I wanna do to and with you that I can't do here." he replied, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Emmett ..."

"Can you be quiet?" he asked, the water helping him slide his hands up to cup my breasts.

"Hmm ..."

"Good girl." he growled.

"Em ..." I whispered as one of his hands started to move south.

"Shh, you don't want anyone to hear."

My breath came in short pants as he played my body to the fine tune of one amazing orgasm just with his fingers. It's almost like we've been together for years and he knows every exact spot to exploit. Every single nerve feels like a live wire and I can't get enough. When I finally started to come down from the endorphin high, he just picked me up as if I weigh no more than a leaf and thrust into me.

I wrapped my legs around his waist, the contrasting temperatures wreaking even more havoc on my sensitive body. He was tender but very ambitious, making me orgasm twice before giving into his own orgasm. After we washed each other up and I fell asleep under the quilt but in his arms.

The next couple of days were a bit stressful ... more than a bit. The vampire from before was back, not in the house but Leah and Jake caught the scent around the house. Something about a half circle and the guys were brainstorming about why. I heard multiple theories, each one worse than the one before and on top of that, we have to hide all of this from Jeremy. It's starting to get to me and I don't know how to deal with it.

"Baby ... Val, you're gonna be okay." Emmett told me after another supernatural town hall meeting about my and Bella's safety.

"Em, I don't know how much longer I can handle this." I admitted, pressing my forehead to his chest when he hugged me.

"You're stronger than you give yourself credit." he said, rubbing my back.

"I'm not though, Emmett, I'm really not." I sighed.

"What if you go away for a few days? Get out of here once we know for sure what's gonna happen?"

"I can't leave, I've got work and my brother's here and ... I love you. Leaving just isn't an option."

"We can leave, all three of us. Everyone else will be fine without us for a few days."

"You can't leave your family at a time like this. They need you too." I told him, knowing that he would drop everything and leave if I asked.

"I need you to be and feel safe. That's my priority right now." he said, cupping my face in his hands.

"I need you and you know that, I would leave in a heartbeat with you but your family needs you more. You're the protector, the brawn, and I know you well enough to know that you wouldn't be able to leave them if they were in danger. It's one of the many things I love about you, Emmett Cullen. After this is all over, we can go away somewhere." I told him, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"I love you, Valentina Rossi."

"I love you too. Emmett, when is this gonna be over?"

"Soon, I promise." he sighed, pressing his lips to mine.

"I hope so." I mumbled, as I walked into the bathroom to take my scrubs off.

"Are you gonna go to Bella's graduation?" Emmett asked.

"Of course, I wouldn't miss it for anything. She's done so well and I'm so proud of her."

"So am I."

"How's Edward doing?" I asked.

"Do you really care?" he chuckled.

"I do, he looked kind of rough tonight." I smiled.

"We can talk about Edward later." he smiled, peeling his shirt off.

"Why is that? I asked now."

"Cause you're getting naked in front of me and I don't wanna talk about him."

Before I could respond, he had picked me up and pushed his pants down, walking both of us into the shower. My laughter echoed in the bathroom as we washed up. 

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