Chapter 38

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This separation of the family is really crazy. I mean, how can he be so selfish? That poor girl is going to go through hell just because Edward thinks he knows what's best for everyone involved in the present situation. Emmett seems to be doing very well but he doesn't mind space from the family, he likes having the freedom that distance gives him.

The first four months passed quickly for us. Ava's first birthday is coming up and I feel like time has just rushed by. I have heard from Bella's father, Charlie, he's come by the hospital to talk to me. Bella is not doing well at all. He's tried a little bit of everything to get her to react but she just hasn't.

I spoke to Emmett about it, Charlie knew I 'was' dating Emmett and he wanted to see how I was faring. He wants me to speak to Bella but Emmett and I didn't think it was a good idea at first. The more he came to me the more I felt bad about it and I agreed to go talk to her because I really do feel horrible. As a parent, I can't imagine what he's feeling. I do greatly see the anger he harbors towards the Cullen family, mainly Edward.

"Babe, are you sure this is a good idea?" Emmett asked.

"I have to, that poor girl is suffering and I have to at least try to help her."

"I've passed by her house at night, she's having nightmares and everything." he sighed.

"The way she's suffering is insane." I said.

"Are you taking Ava?"

"No, grandma Morgan is going to stay with her."

"I won't see you for three days." he complained, wrapping his arms around me.

"Your sisters miss you, so does Esme. Go spend some time with them and come back to us." I smiled, getting on my toes to kiss him.

"Text me when you leave her house." he said.

"I will, go, give the girls my love and take them the pictures of Ava."

"I have the pictures in my wallet."

"I love you, Emmett Cullen."

"I love you more, Valentina Rossi." he smiled.

"Go, before I keep you here." I smiled, grabbing his shirt.

"I wouldn't mind." he smirked.

"Hmm ... go, say bye to Ava quickly."

It took us another 10 minutes for him to actually leave and then I took Ava down to grandma Morgan.

"Sweetie, you're a good person for doing this." she said.

"That poor girl." I sighed.

"I can't believe that boy would just break up like that. Emmett and you have been going strong long-distance." she said.

"It's not for everyone." I replied.

"That's the truth, go sweetie and try to help that girl."

Charlie had given me his address yesterday at the hospital and I carefully drove to his house because these icy roads are dangerous. We've had a fair share of accidents come in and it makes me miss Carlisle so much more. I parked in front of Charlie's house and he was quick to come outside and help me walk inside. The walkway was crazy icy.

"Charlie, I don't know how much help I can be to her but I'll do my best." I told him.

"I really appreciate it, Dr. Rossi."

"I told you to call me Val since you insist I call you Charlie." I smiled as I took my coat off.

"Well, we've been seeing each other a lot lately. Bunch of irresponsible people on the roads." he grumbled.

"That's for sure, it took me a good 30 minutes to get here and it's only a 20-minute drive." I told him.

"Because you're a careful driver and I appreciate you for it." he smiled.

"Where is she?"

"In her room, follow me."

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" I asked him.

"It's the only other thing I can think of to help. She barely leaves her room to eat and school is starting soon. I can't send her back like this and I don't know how to help her. Please, Val, at least just talk to her. If you don't want to come back, I'll understand." he pleaded.

"Of course, I will absolutely go talk to her."

We went upstairs and I knocked on the door, asking him to leave us alone. I knocked again and there was no response, Charlie told me to just go inside.

"Bella ..."

Her head popped up and the sight in front of me made me sad. She was sitting in a chair in front of her window with a blanket wrapped around her. She had dark circles under her eyes and she just doesn't look good.

"Valentina ..."

She hopped up out of the seat and wrapped her arms around me, making me stumble but I stabilized both of us. Bella squeezed me so tightly as her life depended on it and that scared me a little bit.

"Bella ..."

"I thought I was going crazy." she whispered.


"I thought I was going crazy. They just disappeared and I thought I was imagining it all." she said and it angered me.

"You didn't imagine it. They left, he made them leave." I told her.


"It was Edward's decision to leave, Emmett told me."

"Emmett? Have you ..."

"I haven't seen him, he checks in on me though." I admitted.

"Have you heard from ..."

"No, Edward wasn't really fond of me." I said.

"Valentina ... how do you ... how can you ..."

"Move on?"


"I have to, I have a daughter. I don't have a choice in moving, but you do. Bella, you can choose to move on. You need to." I insisted.

"I love him." she whispered.

"And it hurts, loving him hurts because he left. Look at me ... Bella, you need to get up and you need to take care of yourself. You don't have to forget him, you don't have to ignore your feelings, but you have to move on. You're killing yourself for someone who chose to walk away from you."

"I don't know how to do that. Can you help me?" she pleaded, eyes filled with tears.

"You bet I will, I lost someone once. As in I really lost him, he died, and it's not easy to get over loving someone, but I will help you and you will move on." I said, vowing it to be true.

I spent two hours there letting her talk and boy did she. I learned all about her nightmares, the images of him that haunt her subconscious. She told me all about her life before she met him and everything that's happened since. The teenager left me in shock, this is the most I've ever heard from her, given, I've never really spent time with her.

When I left, with the promise to be here for her whenever she needs me, I was still reeling. This girl is a lot deeper than she gets credit for. Bella Swan isn't a bad person, she's a bit misguided, very much heartbroken, but she's not bad. He was her first love and he made big promises.

I think I managed to convince her to leave the house. I'm not entirely sure but that's my goal anyway. With minimal information, I spoke to a therapist, gave her a hypothetical situation, and asked for advice. She might have thought it was for me but I don't really care. When I left, Bella was smiling and apparently, that's the most emotion she's shown in months. Maybe I will do her some good. 

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