Chapter 77

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"Val?" Grandma Morgan called out.

"In the kitchen!" I replied.

"Hello, boys." She said.

"Hey, grandma." Jeremy said, kissing her cheek.

Emmett remained by my side, smiling softly at her but respecting her personal space.

"You hungry?" I asked her.

"No, I'm good, the girls and I are going to dinner. I just wanted to let you know that I'm leaving." She smiled.

"You coming back tonight, grandma?" Bear asked her.

"Yeah, I'm coming home."

"Well, I've got a date so I'll see you all tomorrow." Bear smiled.

"Bold of you to assume you're getting any tonight." I told him, smiling when his cheeks bloomed red.

"I hate you ... I fucking hate you." He grumbled as he walked away.

"You're terrible ... but that was amazing." Grandma laughed as she left.

"Have you seen Bella?" I asked Emmett.

"Edward goes to see her since Andrew is at the house. They've been making progress but I don't really know in what direction that progress is going." he said.

"What do you mean?"

"It doesn't feel like the progress they're making is romantic, I'd say it's more of a friendship." he said.

"I've been busy, and she's been busy with school stuff so I haven't had a chance to talk to her. It's good that they're taking things slow, and if she doesn't want anything romantic with him then so be it. They needed to start fresh to see what's best for them." I smiled.

"What about us? How romantic is our progress?" he asked, wrapping his arms around me.

"I'd say very romantic." I smiled, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"I like the sound of that."

"What's gonna ..."

"We should take a trip." he suddenly said.

"A trip? Where? We just got back from a trip." I asked him.

"Somewhere out of state. You, me, and Ava."

"Emmett, I can't just leave and ..."

"I don't mean leave tomorrow. Let's plan to go, next month?" he asked.

"I just got back from a weekend off, how am I going to get another week or couple of days off?" I asked.

"It'll be fine and you've got PTO, I asked Dad to check." He smirked.

"Emmett Cullen!"

"I had to check when I planned the weekend."

"Where are we gonna go in the middle of the summer?" I asked him and it just made him smile.

"Is that a yes?"

"Emmett ..."

"That was a yes. Let me figure out where and I'll let you know so that we can figure out where to go." he smiled like a kid on Christmas morning.

"Baby, you know you don't have to do this right? We don't need big trips anywhere." I told him, cupping his cool cheeks in my hands.

"I know, I just want to do this. Somewhere cold?" he asked, wrapping his arms around me.

"I'll take somewhere cold."

"Say less."

Two months later, the beginning of August saw us getting ready for our trip. Emmett wouldn't tell me where we were going, only that he had everything planned and Alice helped him pack for Ava Rae and myself. I trust both of them so I ran with it. As soon as I got home from work, I jumped in the shower, changed into the outfit Alice laid out for me, and packed some last-minute toiletries.

Carlisle made it work and all of the nurses were messing with me, talking about I was coming back pregnant or with a ring. I swear these women are the most! I love my life right now and that includes everyone in it, even the ones I don't like. I can just ignore them.

"Baby, where are we going?" I asked for the hundredth time.

"You'll find out soon." he chuckled from the bed with Ava. "Mommy has no patience."

"I'm just curious and you can't blame me because you haven't told me anything." I pouted as I got out of the shower.

"Dress comfortably, the flight is about 4 hours. We can change into warmer clothes when we arrive." he smiled.

"You're mean."

"You're gonna love it."

"I know I will. Where are we staying?" I asked.

"I'll answer that, I got us a private place for the week."

"Okay ... let's go." I sighed as I pulled on a pair of yoga pants.

We said goodbye to my brother and Grandma Morgan before texting Andy. I still haven't been able to see him but Emmett says that if all goes well while we're gone, we should be able to once we come back. Alice packed my suitcase which probably means that everything in there is brand new with a couple of pieces of my clothes sprinkled in. I trust her not to let me freeze so I'm sure everything will be fine. Emmett drove to the airport and Jasper ran there to take the SUV back home.

"Alaska?" I asked when I finally saw my boarding pass.

"You like?" he smiled his dimple-baring smile that makes me weak at the knees.

"I love! Really, we're going to Alaska?"

"Yes, come on, we've gotta go pass security." he chuckled.

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