Chapter 65

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"Rosalie wanted me to drop her off here since we were driving by." I heard Jared say and I could feel my own anger flaring.

"Rose could've come by on her own, you didn't even need to get out of the car." Emmett said.

"I think Val should be the one ..."

"Valentina." I stated.

"Val, baby ..."

"Hey, Val ..."

"No, you don't get to show up at my house and call me by nicknames only meant for family and friends." I stated.

"I just wanted ..."

"I do not give a damn about what you want, Jared Cullen. You are not welcome in my house."

"Can we just ..."

"You heard my sister." Jeremy said, walking in front of me.

"Valentina?" Rose suddenly said.

"You can come in, and leave him in the car." I said.

"Come on, Val. Just talk to me." Jared said.

Rosalie walked in and I handed her my daughter as my brother stared at her. Once Ava was comfortably in Rose's arms, I turned and walked over to the door.

"Baby ..." Emmett started to cautiously say.

"You do not get to come to my house and made demands. You have no right to be standing on my front porch. Our relationship is a joke to you, trash, and that is obvious after you tried to get him to leave us! In a perfect life for you, Emmett would've left us the way that Edward left Bella. It was preferred to you. You tried to scare me, to intimidate me after I did nothing but be nice to you. You made my baby cry and that's not gonna go down lightly in my book. My feelings, my baby's feelings were a joke to you. The way you disrespected us, our relationship, and our little family was cruel. You tried to manipulate and guilt Emmett into leaving us. You have no right to come to my house and ask for anything. Go the hell away!" I stated, feeling my hands shake.

"Em, please ..."

"You heard her. I warned you to leave her alone, now the least you can do is respect her wishes." Emmett told his brother.

"I really am sorry, Valentina." Jared said softly.

"I highly doubt that." I growled before shutting the door in his face.

"Val ..."

"Jeremy, that's Rosalie, Emmett's sister-in-law. The guy I just slammed the door on, that's Jared, Emmett's brother." I stated.

"What the hell did he do to you?" Jeremy angrily asked.

"Family trouble and I've handled it."

"Rose, what are you doing here?" Emmett asked her.

"We were driving in from ... out of town and I haven't had a chance to stop by so I asked him to stop. I haven't seen you since we returned and ... I'm sorry. I knew you were upset but I thought maybe we could talk it over." Rose said.

"I'm sorry Rose, I just ... he tried to hurt me ..."


"Not like that, Jer. Emotionally he tried to hurt me and by proxy hurt my daughter which is something I could never forgive or forget." I said.

"What the hell happened with these people?"

"Their other brother, Edward, he had a bad breakup with a girl and at the same time, our adoptive father got offered a job in another city. Edward saw it as a golden opportunity and tried to convince everyone to up and leave. A clean break for all included in his love drama. Jared was sucked into Edward's drama and believed it was best for everyone to leave. He didn't take Val or Val's feelings into account, he just thought ... I'm not going to make excuses for him. I'm so sorry, Valentina." Rosalie sighed.

"It's not your fault, I'm not mad at you at all." I told her.

"You should be, I should've ..."

"No, I shouldn't be because you don't control your boyfriend. Everyone said what they thought and you went against them all to try and defend us. I'm still a little upset at a few people and I believe that I have my right to be upset."

"And you do ... I will apologize for asking him to come here. I should've asked first." she said.

"It's okay, you're not to blame for this rift. I just ... really hope that you don't stay mad at him for much longer. He's your brother and I know that you miss him." I said, turning to look at Emmett.

"No, I'm not gonna just forgive and forget knowing that they'd do it again. This one isn't gonna get swept under the rug."

"Emmett ..."

"Alright, so there's been a lot of teenage drama that spilled over into the adult's life. This girl ... woman, is here to see you and the baby, I'm guessing. Are you gonna let her in or continue to berate him while keeping her in the hallway?" My brother asked.

"I like him." Rose said.

"I do too, come on Rose." I smiled at the gorgeous blonde.

"It'll be a quick trip, I don't want to leave him out there for too long." she said as she walked inside.

We had a good visit with Rose, just 20 minutes. Had my brother not been here, I'm sure Jared would've just run home. She had some questions about Jeremy and I know where she's coming from. We have to be careful with what we say and what they do around him now, the same way we are with Grandma Morgan. It's not ideal but having my brother here is more important than anything else, so I'll do what I can to keep the secret.

"You wanna tell me what really happened?" Jeremy asked when Emmett walked outside with Rose.

"Exactly what you heard earlier. Edward broke up with his girlfriend and wanted everyone to leave Forks. Jared decided that he suddenly agreed with his brother and it was best if everyone left." I sighed, rubbing my temples.

"That's pathetic and kinda narcissistic."

"Yeah, well, it came as a surprise to me because he was nice to me and I thought we were friends but I was clearly wrong. Rose is amazing and she supported us. It was a majority vote kind of thing and they all left but Emmett didn't, he stayed with Ava and I. He went to visit his parents and siblings but always came home to us."

"You know, I've never seen you like this about anyone before." He said.

"I can see that. Emmett is really unlike anyone I've ever been with and I really do love him."

"That's obvious to anyone with eyes, you two practically vomit heart emojis when you look at each other. The way the man looks at Ava, it's like the sun rises in her eyes instead of your ass." He said, making me laugh.

"You're an ass, bear." I complained.

"Language! Your momma is a wuss." Jeremy said as he held Ava on his lap. "Yeah, you definitely got her rhythm because your daddy couldn't move for anything."

Ava now has taken to doing the baby hop as I like to call it. It's when she stands up and starts bouncing, looks like a low squat really, but she's doing the baby hop. My heart is literally growing in size seeing the two of them together. We never know if or when they come home so I wasn't sure of when or if they were going to meet at all. One older brother down, one to go hopefully.

"I wish Andy was here." I said softly.

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