Chapter 72

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He shoved me against the wall, bouncing my head off of it. My heart rate is accelerating at a dangerously quick pace and I can't do anything. The anger on Chris' face is terrifying me and there's nothing I can do. I tried to pull his hand away, not that it did anything but I continued to try.

"Chris stop this!" Grandma Morgan shouted.

"Chris ..." I wheezed.

"You're mine and only mine." he shouted, squeezing his grip on my throat. "Just a taste baby and we'll leave ... I promise."

He got close to my neck, his teeth were inches from my carotid artery and suddenly he was yanked from in front of me. I fell in a heap on the ground and Grandma ran over to me.

"Oh God, look at me Val ... look at me sweetie." she said.

In my mind, that was Emmett, I swore he came back to protect us but when he ran in the open front door I was confused. The rage on his face frightened me more than the anger on Chris' face did. He ran out the door the way Chris and the mystery person did. I got up and ran out back, shocked as I saw the three vampires fighting and two ... four ... six shifters appeared from the trees. More vampires showed up, Rose, Alice, Jasper, Edward, and Carlisle stood by the three fighting vampires. They were moving too quickly and I wasn't nearly breathing at 100% capacity but the blurs made it impossible for me to see what was happening. I ran back inside to check on Jeremy. Leah was leaning over him, her hand cradling his face as he groaned.

"Jeremy ..."

"Where is he? What happened?" He asked, quickly sitting up and groaning.

"Slow down ... please, slow down." Leah worriedly said.

"They're outside ... someone else came in and ... are you okay? I'm so sorry." I sobbed.

"This wasn't your fault." he said.

"He came here for ..."

"Valentina, this was not your fault." My brother insisted.

Leah helped him get up and we went back to the yard I saw Jasper and Edward holding Chris. Emmett was growling viciously as he pulled Chris' head off. He turned to look at us when Grandma Morgan shouted and fell to her knees. I wasn't looking at him though, I was looking behind them at the mystery person ... the one who arrived first and pulled Chris off of me. I saw Jeremy run over to him and the two of them hugged as if they hadn't seen each other in years.

"Valentina ... baby, look at me." I heard Emmett say but I couldn't focus because the man standing next to Jeremy looked over at me and in the setting sun, my tears fell even faster now as I looked into the face of my older brother.

Andy started walking over to me slowly and his red eyes stood out more than anything else right now.

"Valentina ..."

I could hear my daughter crying inside, I could hear people talking around me, asking me questions, and I could hear what was happening as if I was underwater and nothing was clear. I felt my legs give out under me, I felt cold arms grab onto me, and then I felt nothing.

"All of you need to leave."

"I'm sorry, but I'm not going anywhere."

"I need you all to go so that I can talk to her."

"Grandma ..."

"No, you don't get to look at me with ... no, you need to leave. Go downstairs, go outside, leave me alone with her." Grandma Morgan insisted.

Of course, as I wake up from whatever the hell happened to me, the first thing I hear is arguing. When is this going to end?

"She's starting to wake up."

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