Chapter 27

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He's a big softie and I absolutely love that about him. Emmett is the big protector sort, he likes to be in that role within his family but he really is a big teddy bear. I can't imagine what the past few days have been like for them. Doesn't make me feel bad for Rosalie but it kind of does, she got stuck as my babysitter and her aversion to humans knowing their secret was proven right in this situation.

I put Ava to sleep and took a quick shower, by the time I was done and walking out of the bathroom Emmett was sitting on his bed. His dimple baring smile always makes my heart skip a beat, it makes him look like an enormous teddy bear. I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his neck, he wrapped his around my waist.

"You need a shower." I said, kissing him softly.

"Why?" he groaned.

"You've got blood on your shirt." I chuckled, pulling away and sitting next to him on the bed.

"Five minutes, I swear."

"Em, take your time. I told you not to rush things. We're here and we'll be waiting for you." I insisted.

"Five minutes, damn, you look good in my shirt." he smiled, kissing me again.


While he showered, I put a movie on and got comfortable in bed. This place feels just as much mine as my own house does, that's so comforting. Ava Rae is comfortable here because Emmett put in the work to make her feel so. She has her playpen here since I managed to convince Alice and Emmett not to make a nursery but I don't know how much longer that'll last.

"I thought you'd be asleep." Emmett said when he walked out 10 minutes later.

"Almost. I was waiting for you." I yawned at the end.

"I'm here now. Home and with my girls." he said, getting in bed and holding out his arm.

I'm getting used to the cold temperature of his body, I normally run a little warm so laying down next to him is pretty neat. I can just imagine summertime, it'll be like having my own personal AC unit.

"I was thinking about that too." I sighed, cuddling next to him.

"About what?"

"How this feels like home just like my own house. Ava's so comfortable here and so ... so am I." I said, smiling at his big smile.

"I love that and I love you, Valentina Rossi." he said and for a second, my heart literally stopped.

"Emmett Cullen, I love you too." I smiled.

He wrapped his arm around me to pull me close and kissed me until my brain felt fuzzy from lack of oxygen. I know it's fast and it's definitely not normal but I do love him. Knowing that he feels the same just validates those feelings for me. It tells me that this is right, not normal in the least but perfect for me.

I woke up to Alice's voice in the kitchen. She's playing with Ava and Emmett is still in bed with me. He smiled down at me when he realized I was awake. I turned, straddling his waist to kiss him good morning.

"Well hello." he smiled, brushing my loose hair behind my ear.

"Good morning handsome." I smiled back, getting off of the bed to go to the bathroom.

"That wasn't nice." he complained.

"Your sister's here." I said.

"Yeah Emmett, be considerate of others. That's definitely something I don't want to hear." she said loud enough for me to hear.

"You heard the lady." I smiled.

I closed the door to complete my morning routine and when I got out of the bathroom there was an outfit on the bed. Jean shorts, a thin colorfully striped long sleeve shirt, and beige sandals. The girl really has impeccable taste and she gets me.

"Thanks Alice!"

"You're welcome." She said, loud enough for me to hear but softly enough not to bother Ava.

I put my hair up in a way tail, got dressed, and spritzed on some perfume before walking out. Alice dressed Ava Rae in the cutest little corduroy skirt in pumpkin orange, with a white onesie that has matching colored flowers, and a matching orange headband. I can't with her.

"Alice, what an I gonna do with all the clothes that you buy her?" I smiled, picking Ava up when she reached out to me.

"You are gonna let us build a nursery here so that she has an extra closet."

"That's just too much, I couldn't possibly ask for that." I argued.

"You're not though, babe." Emmett insisted.

"We already talked about this." I told them both.

"I know, I'll just have to settle for the fact that you let me see both of you. It's more than Bella gives me and you're just so easy to please. Although your aversion to letting me buy you designer clothes is quite similar to Bella." Alice argued.

I swear, she spends money like it's chump change. Alice's energy and need for shopping is exhausting and I've never even been shopping with her. I don't think I'd be able to hold up a whole day with her.

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