Chapter 28

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"No expensive clothes." I insisted.

"I know, but if and when we have a formal family event, can I buy you an expensive dress?" She happily asked.

"Depends on the occasion, we'll bring this up again when warranted."

"Yay! I think I might love you more than Emmett does." She smiled and it really is a powerful thing.

"That's highly doubtful." Emmett argued, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"The two of you are hilarious. We've gotta go home though." I said.

"What? Why?"

"Babe, I need to get scrubs for my shift this afternoon and I have to drop Ava off to grandma Morgan. Plus, we have a doctor's appointment tomorrow."

"Okay, I guess." He sighed, dropping his head on my shoulder and making funny faces for my baby.

"I'll just have to buy scrubs, I can't believe I didn't see that." Alice huffed.

"That's really not necessary, I have a ton at home. I'll just have to bring some clean ones here."

"I like that." Emmett said.

"Of course you do. Let me make my smoothie and then we ..."

"Let me take you out for breakfast." Emmett interrupted.

"The two of you are so cute! I love it, I'll see you tomorrow after your appointment." Alice said.

"Well, I know where I'll be." I laughed.

"See you ... bye Ava!"

"I'm worried her first word might be Alice or Rose." I told him, making him laugh.

"Nah, it's gotta be Em." he smiled, popping those dimples.

"Mama or niente, nothing. Right, piccola." I argued, smiling when he wrapped his arms around me.

"Alright, breakfast." Emmett said.


"A place that Alice says is really cute. I wanted to find somewhere nice to take you, so it's not in Forks."

"Am I dressed appropriately?"

"Yeah, it's a super casual place."

"Alright then, let's go."

The next week passed particularly slow. Work was very slow but Carlisle told me that as kids finish school, we'd get an influx of kids doing stupid summer things and I can't wait. Alice tried to convince me to go shopping with her for Bella's prom dress and I just laughed. The girl is painfully shy, embarrassingly so, and I don't want to partake in any acts that will make that worse.

I've been spending my free time at home with grandma Morgan and Emmett of course, but I want to make sure I spend time with grandma. Emmett spends the night and dotes on grandma Morgan too, she absolutely adores him. He likes doing things to make her smile, he says it's easy because she's such a sun-shiny person.

"Emmett, where are we going?" I asked as he drove through the trees and past the entrance to his house.

"It's a surprise, would you stop asking?" he smiled.

"At least tell me if I'm dressed right. You keep doing this to me."

"Yes, Alice knows where I'm taking you."

"What is this?"

We made some small talk in the car, just nonsense stuff. He surprised me when he pulled off onto a very small not road. He put the car in park and just smiled at me before getting out and instantly appearing at my door.

"Do you trust me?"

"You know I do, what's this about?"

"It's a bit of a walk from here, I want to run with you to get there faster."

"I can walk you know." I smiled, still sitting in my seat but facing him now.

"I know you can but I don't feel like waiting." he pouted. "Lemme run with you."


"Carrying you of course."

"Emmett ... if you let me fall I swear ..."

"I would never." he said, indignation written all over his face.

"Okay, take me wherever it is that you've got whatever this is planned." I said, smiling when his dimples flashed.

"Alright, come on."

I got out of the car and he picked me up bridal style so I wrapped my arms around his neck. He smiled again and kissed the top of my head after I relaxed and laid on his shoulder.

"Close your eyes."

After doing as he said, I suddenly felt this gust of wind blow at me furiously and just as suddenly it stopped. Emmett put me on my feet and held onto me as I stumbled.

"Can I open my eyes now?" I asked softly.

"Yeah, go ahead."

I was left quite speechless when I did. We're standing at the top of a mountain and the view is spectacular. There's a table set for two on a wooden platform, candles, and rose petals lining a short walkway. Music was playing softly on a record player and the plates were covered with glass domes.

"Em ..."

"We're always doing dinner at home or at your house and I love it, I really do, but I wanted to do something special." he said, wrapping his arms around me.

"Emmett, I love this." I whispered.

"Good, I love you." he said, turning me around to kiss me.

"I love you, too."

I have long since stopped feeling self-conscious eating around Emmett. It's just another normal part of our routine. It's surprising to learn that there is still so much to learn about each other, he has years of anecdotes to tell me and I have so many stories from my childhood to share. We had a really great night, one of many that I will always remember. He really does put in the effort to make me smile and that does not go unnoticed.

"Emmett, what's that?" I asked when we pulled up to his house.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"You know damn well what I'm talking about. Please tell me you didn't." I sighed.

"I didn't." he said, shrugging his shoulders.

"I hate you."

"Nope, you love, you said so yourself." he smiled, wrapping his arms around me when he pulled me out of his truck.

"I lied."

"No you didn't, you wanna go see it?"

"I told you and Alice not to make a nursery. How the hell did you even get this done?"

"We don't sleep." he said, giddily pulling me inside.

"Hey! Human here, you can't go yanking me all al ... Emmett!" I shrieked when he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.

"You're too slow." he laughed.

"I'm gonna remember this." I grumbled.

"Good, remember all of it." he smiled.

He dropped me in front of a brand new door that had a pink, gold, and white princess crown hanging on it with Ava Rae's name written in fancy cursive lettering. This man! And his sister! What the hell am I going to do with them?

"You ready?" he asked.

He really is just a big kid at heart, he's practically vibrating in place and it's quite funny to witness.

"Yeah, I'm ready." I sighed.

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