Chapter 73

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The silence in my house is eerie. No tv, no talking, nothing coming from the kitchen, and when I walked downstairs, I found the four adults sitting on the sofas just looking at each other in silence. Emmett was the first to get up, he just wrapped his arms around me and pressed his lips to mine. Some of the anxiety left but not all of it. Both of my brothers ... ha, both of them ... shit.

I could feel my heart rate accelerating again looking at Andy. His expression was worried and I did my best to calm down but that's easier said than done. Jeremy looked conflicted and Grandma Morgan still looks stressed the fuck out.

"Is it safe for you to be around us?" I asked and they didn't pretend not to know who that question was for.

"I've been working on this for a year now, I'm safe." Andy said.

"A year ... where have you been?" I asked, walking into the living room but standing next to Emmett.


"Andrew Rossi ..."

"This ... thing, happened to me on a mission but there obviously wasn't a body found so there was nothing to report. I found Jeremy and ..."

"Andy!" Jeremy interrupted.

"The particulars aren't important. I remained near him and saved him from dying, that's when he got sent stateside and I traveled too. I've been here the same time he has." he sighed.

"Were you planning on ever telling me?" I asked.

"We were trying to figure out how to tell you." Jeremy said.

"Didn't exactly expect to find you surrounded by vampires and ..."

"Were you the one in my house?" I interrupted.

"One of them, the other one was Chris apparently." he growled.

"Chris ... he tried ... he said ..."

"He wanted to kill you. I'm not stupid, he was going to kill you and maybe by the grace of God you survived but I doubt that." Grandma Morgan sighed.

"He said I was his, that we were his. Is he really ..."

"Gone." Emmett, Andy, and Jer chorused.

"Grandma, I'm so sorry." I sniffled.

"No, this isn't your fault. It's not your fault." she said. "I need some time and I'll appreciate you all giving me that time."

"Of course." the boys said.

She left the room and Emmett pulled me down to the sofa before leaving the room. I know he's going to get Ava but he's also giving me some time with my brothers.

"Why did you come here?" I asked.

"I wanted to see you, to see Ava, to make sure that Jeremy was okay."

"Why didn't I get notified that you were missing or possibly taken?"

"I don't know."

"Were you gonna tell me?"

"I was, I just hadn't figured out how. I haven't been staying close to here so I really didn't notice that the vampires were here until a few days ago. Then I wasn't sure if you knew what they were so I didn't tell Jer at first. I followed Emmett to the clearing where the battle was but I ran back to make sure that you were safe. That's when I caught his scent and heard the conversation, I couldn't let him hurt you."

"You feed off of humans." I whispered.

"It's not a good thing but only bad people. I wouldn't hurt a good person." he quickly argued.

"Andy ..."

"I'm sorry that you had to find out this way. Val, Bug, I'm so sorry that you've been through all of this crap. I just wanted to protect you, that's my job, and I almost failed. I had to protect you and if you want me to leave, I'll understand." he said.

I got up and walked over to him. His red eyes are still jarring, I don't think I'll be able to get used to that. This man is my brother, he's still my brother even if he's a vampire. He's here in front of me, not really alive but alive all the same and ... that's nothing short of a blessing. He stood up and I wrapped my arms around him, letting the tears fall again. Andy wrapped his arms around me and squeezed so carefully before pressing his lips to the top of my head.

"I love you." I whispered.

"Ti amo, piccola." he replied.

"Now what?" I asked.

"Babe ..." Emmett said as he walked into the room with Ava.

"I'm sure you've met already." I said, walking over to them and grabbing my baby.

"Yeah, you're dating a vampire." Andy said.

"Wolf ..."

"I know ... Jer told me all about it and warned me already." he sighed.

"Andy ... is it safe?" I asked, holding my daughter.

"As safe as can be." he muttered.

"When was the last time you fed?" Emmett asked him warily, keeping close to Ava and me.

"About two days ago." Andy said.

"I don't know ... you should go feed."

"Emmett ..."

"He's right, bug ... just to be safe." Andy agreed, his crimson eyes shining.

"But you're feeding on humans." I argued.

"Bug ..."

"We can help you switch to the animal diet." Emmett offered. "Fair warning, it's not as satisfying but it will keep you full."

"I'd like that." Andy said.

"You can't be around them until you know you can handle it."

"Hey, wait a minute ..." Jeremy argued.

"Jer, stop, it's fine. I need to be able to be around all of you." Andy agreed.

"The temptation is always going to be there ..." I started to say.

"I'd rather be safe than sorry. Just tonight, let me have tonight and then I'll start." Andy told Emmett.

"Val?" he asked me.

"You sure that you want to do this?" I asked him.

"If it makes being around you all easier then yes." he sighed.

"Andy ... this is Ava Rae." I smiled, walking over to him.

"She's beautiful."

"She's a whole character just like her mother." Jeremy said.

"Jeremy?!" we heard from outside.

"Living room!" He shouted.

"Val? Is she ... oh thank God." Leah said as she ran inside, hugging me.

When she actually paid attention to her surroundings, she quickly stood in front of Ava and me, protecting us from Andy.

"He's safe." I told her.

"He's a vampire."

"He's my brother, the oldest one. Leah, meet Andrew Rossi." I sighed with a soft smile.

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