Chapter 67

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While Emmett put Ava down for bed, I sat in the kitchen with Leah and my brother eating cookies. The two of them have slowly started to spend time together over the past few weeks and it's really cute to watch. I just want both of them to be happy and if they find that happiness in each other then, so be it.

"Why are we eating cookies for dinner?" Jeremy asked.

I've also noticed just how much he's relaxed since he arrived. He's not so alert all of the time and small noises don't make him jump. That wary look in his eyes is mostly gone but the haunted look is still there. That's something I don't think will leave him anytime soon. His nightmares have lessened and that makes me happy. We tried to talk to him about going to therapy but he's not ready to talk about what he's seen and that's even if he can talk about it. I'm just happy to see him actually smiling and not forcing it to make me stop worrying.

"Because we're adults and can do this now." Leah said.

"Sounds accurate enough." I agreed.

"Yeah, sounds about right to me. There's also the fact that you make badass cookies." he said.

"Mom had the best cookie recipes." I smiled.

"That she did, so you have her recipe book?"

"Yup, I had the pages laminated to make sure I don't mess them up."

"That's cute." Leah said.

"She experimented on us to get those recipes into that book." I scoffed.

"That wasn't cute, we had a lot of salty treats and overly sweet jams and ..." my brother started to say.

"Burnt cookies, not quite finished pies ..." I added.

"Gelatinous messes, unsweetened puddings, overbaked cupcakes ..."

"Lots of caramel; fresh and fake, fudges, barks."

"Lots of memories and laughs, even more stories to tell." he said, wrapping his arm around me and kissing my temple.

"Your mom sounds like my mom, always doing something in the kitchen." Sue said.

"Oh my God, yes! Her mom is an amazing cook." I told my brother.

"You're lucky to still have her." Jeremy said.

"Losing dad hasn't been easy but she's a rock ... she's our rock and she's helped us move on little by little." Leah said softly.

"Sorry for your loss." he said, taking her hand in his.


I slowly walked out of the kitchen to leave them alone, smiling as I bit into my cookie and tried to listen in to their conversation. Vampire or shifter abilities with enhanced senses must be quite entertaining. Emmett walked down the stairs and just smiled at me.

"Why are you eavesdropping?" He asked.

"Trying to see how long it's gonna take my brother to man up and ask her out." I smiled at him.

"Matchmaker now?" he chuckled.

"If and when I can."

"What time are you gonna get up tomorrow?" he asked as he pulled me into the kitchen.

"Was she eavesdropping again?" Jeremy asked.


"Yes." Emmett and Leah chorused.

"You're so damn annoying." my brother sighed.

"Well, you're taking too long to man up and ask her out."

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