Chapter 54

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We just watched movies again and I made sure all of the windows and doors were locked before she went to bed. My window was a different ordeal, I waited for Emmett, who was sitting on my bed after I got out of the shower.

"I'm gonna start to think that you're doing this on purpose." I told him, walking out in nothing but a towel.

"Timed it perfectly." he smiled, making those adorably sexy dimples appear.

"Emmett ... I have a guest." I muttered as he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close to his chest.

"I know ... I still want you." he growled.

The sound rolled over me and made me shudder at the sexual promise behind his words and his tone. Especially after what happened the other day.

"Em ..."

"We need a weekend away where I can do all sorts of delicious and naughty things to you." he grumbled, kissing my neck.

"Can you ..."

"Can I what?"

"Can you do all of those things to me?" I asked.

"I don't know but I want to. I can definitely do what I did the other day." He smirked, trailing his finger up and over my bare thigh.

"I have a visitor." I insisted.

"We need that weekend soon." he complained, turning to face plant my bed and making me smile.

"We'll plan it, babe, don't worry."

"Soon." he insisted.

"Yes, soon. Then we will see about all of those things you wanna do to me." I laughed.

"I won't forget." He replied.

The next couple of days passed quickly enough without any more Cullen visits, Emmett said they weren't back. Ava Rae hit her 11 months and Alice was so excited about it. She spoiled her rotten and gave her so much love. I missed that for her, for my daughter, so much. I love the possibility of giving her a big family like I had and like Chris had even though he was an only child. Emmett's family, well, some of his family, want to be that for her.

"Valentina!" I heard, making me turn around and stare in shock as Carlisle hesitantly walked over to me.

"Dr. Cullen." I said, stepping back when he stood in front of me.

"Ah ... how are you?" he asked, his eyes softening. "Can we speak in my office?"

"I don't ..."

"Don't worry Val, take your break." my supervisor said.

"Sure, let's talk."

I followed him upstairs and right into his old office. I'm sort of surprised and not surprised at the same time.

"Valentina ..."

"So you come back and it's supposed to be like no time has passed at all?" I interrupted.

"I understand that you're upset." he said.

"Upset? I'm not ... you know what, yes, I am upset. I mean no disrespect by this Carlisle, but who is the leader of your ... family? Because from my perspective, it looks like your son makes the decisions. He chose to walk away from her and the emotional trauma he left her with is absolutely frightening. I won't talk about her situation without her permission, just know that it was very bad. She's just starting to heal now and all of a sudden you all appear back in Forks as if nothing happened. And Emmett ... he wants nothing more than to be with his family and his brothers had the audacity to get mad at him, to turn on him because he didn't want to leave me and Ava. Carlisle, you had to know that this transition was not going to be seamless." I said, my cheeks heating up quickly as he stared at me.

"Yes, I was aware that things have ... changed." he sighed softly.

"I don't mean to disrespect ..."

"I know. I've heard from Alice about how you've been helping Bella deal with things. I can't say that Edward is as appreciative as she is, as Esme and I are, but that is a monster of his own doing. We have relied heavily on Edward and Alice too ..."

"Carlisle, you don't have to explain anything to me."

"Please, let me finish." he insisted.

"Of course."

"As a family, we've relied on Edward and Alice's gifts to scope out the safety in any given location. There have been certain ... situations that have merited a quick change of location, or change of lifestyle, and none of those were by Edward's doing and he always left without any argument. This one time he asked me to leave, he actually asked me to leave a location. I had my doubts, I never believed that his leaving Bella was the right decision but I can't make decisions for him. However, I see now how I let him make that decision for us and how it has negatively impacted the rest of our family. I apologize for whatever hurt his words and Jared's might have caused you." he said and I could see the sincerity shining in his eyes which just aggravated me.

"Carlisle, it's not your place to apologize for your sons. They said what they said and they meant it, I won't fault them for being honest. I will fault them for the delivery because it was meant to be hurtful, and it was meant to incite fear but I don't hold grudges. They have every right to not want me or my child around and I will respect that. I don't want them around me either and I definitely don't want them around my daughter. And Carlisle, I really do beg of you, tell your son to respect the decision that Bella has made. No showing up at her window at night, following her around, or anything. She went through hell to be where she is today, he doesn't deserve her forgiveness. He doesn't deserve her." I stated, feeling my anger growing.

"He is his own ..."

"No Carlisle, you're not understanding me at all. Do not defend his actions, he knew he would be hurting her, and still, he chose to leave, knowing he would hurt others. He knew that Alice would see her in pain and she would hurt for her friend, which would, in turn, make Jasper hurt as well, and yet he made everyone stay away. Bella deserves so much more than what your son could ever give her, yet I do believe that in time she will forgive him. It just won't happen as soon as Edward expects it to. As the "leader" of your coven, keep him away from her. It's the least you can do." I said, before walking out of his office. 

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