Chapter 75

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"Come on Val, don't do that." Andy quickly said, wrapping his arms around me.

"We just ... we just got you back ... and you're already leaving. Then you'll be gone forever and ..."

"Bug, I'm so sorry." he said, rubbing my back. "I'm so sorry about all of this. I'm not leaving you, I'm gonna be close by with people you trust. I'll call you every day, I promise, and Emmett can give you updates."

"I'll go check on him every day, Val." Emmett said, squeezing my knee.

"Every day?" I asked them, brushing my tears away ... trying to.

"Every day." they chorused.

"I'm sorry." I sniffled again.

"Don't be. I know you've been stressed enough over me and my absence. This is a lot for anyone to take on. Bug, I am not leaving you again, I promise. There won't be any more long periods of time when you don't hear from me. There won't be any letters or phone calls telling you I'm missing or dead. Well, actually, I don't know about that one. But it won't mean anything because I'll be here, with you. With my siblings and my niece, with my family like I should be." Andy insisted.

"Ti amo." I whispered.

"Ti amo di più." he stated, kissing the top of my head. "Go, get some rest. I'll be here in the morning when you wake up."

"Okay, while you're gone, we'll empty out the nursery and ..."

"Actually, I was talking to the guys and we can just build him a small apartment-type place. Sort of like mine, maybe bigger or smaller depending on your wants." Emmett offered.

"I couldn't ask for ..."

"You're not asking. It was my brother Jasper's idea, he knows how much she's been stressing over your absence and knows she's gonna want you close. All we gotta do is clear out some of these trees and we can make it right back here." he said and I swear I almost started crying again.

"Em ..."

"As soon as Jasper said it, Edward and Jared said they were more than willing to help. Esme said she'd design it, and Rose and Alice already said they'd help decorate. You're family baby, so he's family, and we take care of our family most of the time." he said and it made me chuckle.

"I'm missing the funny part here." Andy said when he let go of me.

"I'm sure Jasper and Emmett will tell you all about it just to mess with their brothers." I sighed, brushing away the wetness left on my cheeks.

"For sure." Emmett smugly stated.

"Okay, let me take my baby and put her down." I told them.

"Then you go to bed." Andy told me.

"I'm gonna come down to eat something and ..."

"You haven't eaten yet, I forgot." Emmett said.

"Okay, eat and then to bed." Andy said.

"You're annoying when you're bossy." I told him, making him smile.

"It's my life's mission to be the annoying big brother. Which means ..."

"Jeremy already had the talk with him so don't you even think about it." I quickly stated, seeing the mischievous smirk on his face.

"That doesn't matter." he chuckled.

"Babe, it's fine." Emmett said.

"Whatever ... come on, piccola." I muttered, picking up my baby.

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