Chapter 76

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The next couple of days were so normal that it felt weird. As much as I tried to keep a certain sense of normality in my life, everything had been so hectic that actually having normal days felt odd. Emmett spent his nights with me and his days with my brother, which I really do appreciate. He and Jasper say that Wolf is struggling, but he's doing better than they expected him to do with the short time he's been trying.

"Emmett, what are you doing?" I asked as he carried me God knows where after a dinner date.

"Surprising you now pipe down!"

On top of the fact that I'm not allowed to walk wherever we're going, he's also got me blindfolded. Apparently, he's been planning this surprise for a while now and doesn't want me ruining it. How could I possibly ruin it? I don't know, but those were his words.

"Baby ... where are we going?" I asked.

We had driven for a while, and before I could guess from road signs or highway exits, he asked me to put the blindfold on. Grandma Morgan has Ava for the night, she's been helping him plan whatever this is.

"We're here." he said, placing me on the ground softly.

"Can I take this off?" I asked.

"Yes." I could hear the smile in his voice.

His child-like excitement really makes me happy about the most minor things because he enjoys them. He likes doing things for the reaction of whoever he's doing it for. He's genuine in wanting to do nice things for people just to see them enjoy it, even the little things. He stood behind me and pulled the blindfold off, I blinked a few times to get used to the light again, and my heart doubled in size.

We were standing in the middle of a small cabin, don't ask me where. Rose petals and small candles were everywhere, and 2 bouquets of mixed roses sat on the table. Music was playing softly, and everything was just so pretty.

"Em, what's this?" I asked, turning to look at him.

He just smiled at me and wrapped his arms around me, leaning down to kiss me.

"We've been together for a year now. I wanted to do something nice." he said.

"This is beautiful. How has it been a year already?" I smiled.

"A year already, but it feels like forever. I'll wait for as long as you need me to, to really have you forever." he said.

"I love you, Emmett Cullen." I sniffled.

"I love you so much, Valentina Rossi."

"So what's the plan?" I asked.

"We'll be here all weekend. I already spoke to Grandma Morgan, and Dad fixed the schedule for you at work." he smiled.


"I wanted you to have a good weekend, and Ava is safe with Grandma Morgan, Leah, and Jeremy. You've been so busy with work and Ava and so worried about Andy. I wanted to give you a weekend getaway for our anniversary." he said.

"I really do love you, Emmett Cullen." I sniffled.

"And I really do love you." he replied, brushing the tears away.

"What are we doing first?"

"Bath." he said, trailing his fingers over my arms until he reached the edge of my shirt to pull it off.

"Emmett ..."

"Alice was fixing everything, she just finished right before we got here so the water would still be hot." he said as he picked me up bridal style and carried me into the bathroom.

"You are so amazing." I smiled, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"You deserve a good, relaxing weekend. We're gonna start it here."

Once he put me down, he pulled me against his chest and pressed his lips to mine. My heart rate increased quickly, and Emmett's cold hands felt amazing on my overheated body. I moaned into the kiss pulling apart for much-needed air as he pulled my shirt off.

"Emmett ..."

"Hmm, you're so damn tempting." he muttered.

"This is amazing." I sighed, pushing my pants down as he pulled his shirt off.

"I'm glad you like. Happy anniversary baby." he smiled, pressing his lips to mine.

"How has it been a year?" I asked again, smiling at him.

We pulled the rest of our clothes off, and then Emmett stepped into the tub first and helped me in. His core body temperature doesn't change ever, so it was interesting sitting against his coolness in the hot water, which explains the really hot water. My bathtub doesn't fit both of us, but the one in Emmett's house does so this isn't the first time we've done this. It's just the first time in a while that we've had the chance.

We sat in the tub, just talking and reminiscing on our relationship. I'm not lying when I say I can't believe it's been a year already, and I can't believe it's only been a year. Sometimes, it feels like we've been together forever, and others like time is moving too fast. What I know for sure is that I love this man with all of my heart. He is my soulmate, I wholeheartedly believe that.

When we finished in the tub, after thoroughly washing each other, Emmett took me to bed and loved me slowly. After we finished and sort of dressed, I made him put on boxers at least, and I pulled on one of his shirts. We just laid in bed, and I was dozing off. I could feel his hands drawing small patterns on my thigh that was hiked over his waist.

"I love you, Valentina Rossi." he muttered.

"Ti amo." I whispered, already half asleep.

"I can't wait to spend forever with you." He said, kissing the top of my head.

"Forever sounds perfect."

Emmett really outdid himself this weekend with all of the details. Everything was soft, sweet, and romantic. Flowers, romantic dinners, beautiful sunsets, and sunrises. It was all just Emmett, though, he makes everything special and perfect. The thought that he put into this, the fact that he thought of this at all, makes everything even more special.

As much as we loved our weekend together, we were anxious to get back home to Ava. Every time I look at her, I can see Chris in her face. I'm just glad she isn't old enough to remember how he died. When I tell her about him when she grows up, I'll tell her the good. Tell her about our memories and show her all of the pictures she has with him. And every day, I'll be grateful for the fact that she has Emmett in her life. I'll never take for granted the love he's always shown her.

"Hey, any update on Wolf?" I asked Jeremy and Emmett.

"He's doing good, Jasper says he's really focused, and Edward says he thinks of you a lot, which is what keeps him focused. Memories from when you all were young and your parents were alive. Then he compares it to now and how happy he is to be able to have you in his arms again. To have this chance for all of you to be a family again." Emmett told me.

"How much longer until we can see him again?" Jeremy asked.

"They don't think it'll be much longer. It's why Esme wants to see you, babe." He told me.


"So you can help her design his house. You know him and..."

"He doesn't want to deal with all the little details, so he wants me to handle it." I smiled.

"Yup." Emmett said.

"Sounds about right." Jeremy added, making us laugh.

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