Chapter 8

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I told him all about our short lived conversation and watched him laugh.

"She's a spitfire and very fun to be around. She's an amazing mother and very smart for someone so young."

"The baby is beautiful." I muttered.

"That she is and she's such a happy baby too." Carlisle added.

"I don't know what to do here, the fact that she's human makes this difficult but adding a baby makes things that much more complicated."

"Son, that makes her perfect for you." Carlisle chuckled.

"I'm confused."

"You've never been entertained or excited about the easy things, so why would this change anything? We all know that you like the hunt, the chase, the adventure of the unknown so why would your mate and the journey to her be any different?"

"That's right but still, she's human and has a daughter. A baby, Carlisle, that's two humans that I'm putting in danger." I argued.

"If she is who we think she is . . ."

"She is." I interrupted, knowing that for truth.

"Then we'll protect her and do what needs to be done when it needs to be done."

"Rosalie does not agree with this at all."

"She's never been pro-human interaction but there's nothing that she can do. Valentina is your mate, get to know her and then both of you can decide how to move forward. You'll have to tell her the truth about us."

"I don't know how to move forward. What if I hurt her? She's so fragile that it scares me." I admitted.

"Take it one step at a time and . . ." we were interrupted by his beeper. "I . . ."

"Go, save lives, I'll head out and finish my run."

"Son, only you can make the decision to proceed or stop here. Listen to your heart, not your head or Rosalie's."

"Will do."

After a fatherly pat on the back, I walked out of his office and felt the eyes of a lot of females on me. All I could focus on was the faint scent of Valentina wafting through the hallways of the hospital. As soon as I was in a safe area outside I took off running into the forest, finding a herd of deer and draining three.

My curiosity is getting the best of me and I want to see her again. I want to know more about her, I need to know more. As I ran through the forest I received a message from Alice with an address, I'm guessing it's Valentina's so that's where I headed.

I will admit, I creeped for hours. Watched her have dinner with her grandmother, spend time with her baby and even sing to her in Italian. That was such a beautiful moment to witness, a mother singing to her daughter, singing her to sleep was very special.

I stood in the trees when she came down to the kitchen to get a mug of something hot and then sat in the big window in what I'm guessing is her bedroom. When the lights turned off I took a chance and got closer to the house, to her window ledge. Valentina was already in bed and I could see myself laying next to her.

"You really are a sight to see Emmett Cullen," she said and I panicked until I realized she couldn't really see me so she must be talking to herself. " . . . giving me all the sparks and tingles. I do hope to see you again." she muttered then her breath slowed down and got even.

I dropped down to the ground with a silly smile on my face and took off walking.

"You hope you see me again? Oh babe, you're not getting rid of me any time soon." I smiled even wider.

I took off and ran home, there's a lot going on in my mind, a lot to think about. If I decide to pursue this woman this will not be easy. It will be dangerous for me but especially for her and baby Ava Rae, then there's my family too.

"I see two different outcomes now, what did you do?" Alice asked when I walked up to the back door.

"It's what you did that's the problem." I replied.

"What are you talking about?"

"The baby! Didn't you think Ideserved to know about the baby?" I demanded.

"Emmett . . ."

"It's not just me and her to worry about." I argued.

"We didn't want you to make a brash decision."

"We . . . neither you nor Edward have the right to interfere in my personal life."

"Hey, calm . . ."

"Jasper do not mess with my emotions." I growled. "I have every right to be pissed."

"Emmett, being angry isn't going to change anything." Edward said.

"Stay out of my head."

"We knew that if we told you about the baby it would have made you push her away before you gave her a chance." Alice said.

"You don't get to manipulate the facts to push things to be how you want them. This . . . this is part of the reason that I stood away for so long! I finally had privacy!"

"You stood away on purpose?" Alice asked and I could feel the pain in her voice even without Jas' gift.

"Yes I did! I was finally able to live in peace. To have my thoughts to myself and be able to make my own decisions without external influences. Jasper don't look at me like that, I'm not trying to hurt her. I just want to prove a point. It's my life! I make my own choices, I'm not going to let you meddle in this. I can't because there is too much at stake here." I told them.

The three of them stood there in silence before walking off. I know that Esme, Rose, and Jared heard but right now, I'm too annoyed to deal with it. Taking an unnecessary deep breath, I walked back into the forest looking for a spot to build my own house. It would be the first time that I build a separate house off of the main house.

Things were just never this tense as a cause of separation. Once I scouted out a good location I started to think blueprints; what do I want my house to look like? As soon as I get a rough idea, I'll go to Esme and she'll make the magic, like she always does.

"You can stop lurking around, I know you're there." I said, knowing my brother could hear me.

"I thought I was being discreet." he said, dropping out of a tree and landing softly on his feet.

"As discreet as a daycare full of five year olds. What do you want, Jared?" I asked him.

"That conversation was harsh." he said, stuffing his hands in his pockets and leaning against a tree.

"If you're here to tell me I was out of line or . . ."

"Nah, I understand where you're coming from, brother. There is a lack of privacy living with Alice and Edward, it's undeniable and unavoidable if you stay in the house."

"What's your point?"

"You weren't lying. You're not the only one that thinks that way."

"What is this, Jared? Brotherly bonding? Did Rosie send you?" I asked, getting annoyed.

"No, I just thought you could use some company of the unobtrusive kind."

"I'm sorry brother, I didn't mean to blow up like that, I just . . . I can't . . . I got frustrated." I sighed.

"I know man. So, what are you out here for?" he asked.

Jared's chill demeanor is something that I love and hate about him. It's frustrating and refreshing all at the same time.

"I'm thinking of building a house."


"Yeah, I got an idea of what I want. Just gotta talk to mom and then I can start construction."

"You think you can build one for us too? Rosalie would love that." he happily said.

"Of course I can. So you wanna level some trees?" I asked him, a big smile on my face.

"I thought you'd never ask."

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