52. Ember Island

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Yozora's POV

I woke up, feeling someone shaking me, "Five more minutes, Hana Ming." I muttered as I threw a pillow at them.

A soft "Oof!" was heard when the pillow hit them. "Wait, you're not my maid?" I said sitting up.

The person pulled the pillow off of their face to reveal the Chi Blocking Master, Ty Lee herself. "You're right, I'm not!" she said giggling.

"Ty Lee?" I asked, muttering a small apology at the girl.

Her and I have a pretty good relationship than the others. She was the nicest of all and the most understanding person too. I liked being friends with her since I was stuck in this Fire Nation prison with no body I got along with.

"Yozora! Yozora! Yozora! You're not gonna believe where we're going today!" Ty Lee jumped around excitedly. "We're going somewhere?" I asked.

"We're going to Ember Island! Quickly get dressed and pack your stuff! The Fire Lord ordered us to stay in his beach house while he's having a very serious meeting!" she said roaming through my 'new' fire nation wardrobe.

"Here wear this!" she said throwing an outfit at me.

I caught and saw it was a long sleeved dress with really pretty golden designs on it. The dress itself's length stopped around my knees and had a dark red belt.


Ty Lee and I sat together in front of Azula, who is leaning her back against a railing with her arms crossed. "I'm so excited to spend the weekend on Ember Island. It's going to be great to hang out on the beach and do nothing." Ty Lee said as she placed her hands behind her head, imitating a relaxed position.

"Doing nothing is a waste of time." Zuko angrily said before rising from his seat next to Mai. "We're being sent away on a forced vacation. I feel like a child."

"Lighten up. So Dad wants to meet with his advisers alone, without anyone else around. Don't take it personally." Azula said.

"Doesn't your family have a house on Ember Island?" Ty Lee asked. Azula turned to her, "We used to come every summer when we were kids."

"That must have been fun!" she said cheerly.

"That was a long time ago." Zuko said from distance.

I looked outside of the boat to see the ocean and charming houses on Ember Island's shore, many elegant-looking ones too. I smiled as I inhaled the scent of the ocean, feeling the homey-vibe.

The boat finally moved towards the dock and we were met by Lo and Li right on the docks.

"Welcome to Ember Island, kids." the twins said. We went inside the summer house with the sisters in front.

"It smells like old lady in here." Zuko whispered to Mai. "Gee, I wonder why." she said sarcastically making me smirk a little.

She was pretty humorous, I had to admit.

Ty Lee grabbed my hand and walked towards of painting of two young women in yellow bikinis posing back-to-back while Ty Lee inspects it carefully. I looked over my shoulder Lo and Li approached us.

Ty Lee raised her arm and pointed at the painting, "Who are these two beautiful women?"

"Can't you tell?" Lo asked as they both imitate the painting. "It's Lo and me." Li said while Lo said "It's Li and me." at the same time.

Everyone looked at the sisters, disturbed. Zuko covered his mouth with his hand, about to vomit while I looked away from them and busied myself with the artifacts.

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