18. Bato from the Southern Water Tribe

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We finally got out and the Gan Jins and Zhangs finally made up after Aang's stupid story about the founders were brothers.

"What an awesome fairy tale." I winked at him. He looked really nervous and laughed awkwardly and leaned over. "How did you know?" he whispered.

I rolled my eyes, "you're bot the only one who was alive hundred years ago." I crossed my arms smirking teasingly at him. "Aha! I knew it!" Sokka said.

"C'mon let's go!"


We flew for hours and the sun was meatin me off. I put my long hair in a bun and air bended the sweats away. The Gaang and i visited a village, where a fortuneteller lives. It wasn't a very pleasant experience but Katara sure seemed to enjoy it. And Sokka got a job as a fisherman when we got broke. Then Aang got kidnapped when Katara Sokka and i were sick. Yeah, how could i get sick if i have to keep Aang out of trouble?!

"Look!" Sokka said landing Appa. It was a forest, and i could see some burnt trees here and there. "It's a knife. From whale teeth! Just like our tribe's!" Sokka said inspecting the knife.

"The water tribe was here and then fire nation came here and attacked but the water tribe finished them off." Sokka said looking at the burnt trees.

"How could you tell by just looking at it?" Aang asked. "Look! A fleet!" Katara said pointing at a water tribe ship.

"It's just like one at home. Come on let's see if we can find more!" Sokka said running to the ship.

"Is it dad's?" Katara asked. "No, it's a part of his crew." Sokka replied sadly. I felt bad seeing them missing their father since the war was going on. If i only prevented Sozin from making the war. If only i said yes...

I snapped out of my thoughts and saw Katara and Sokka run faster to the fleet. From the heat, i was like a sweaty monster so i called Aang. "Aang, wanna join me at the water?" I said taking my boots off before jumping into it.

"Yeah!" he yelled as he came into the water with me. "C'mon now. Let me teach you my favorite one!" I smiled as i made water arms.

I looked at Aang who was struggling a little. I went behind him and repositioned his arms and made his stance wider. "Now, relax. You're stressing too much. Open your arms freely and do this" i instructed.

He did as i told and made water arms for himself successfully. "Hey! I'm doing it!" Aang said laughing.

"Wanna challenge?" I smirked. "You're on!" Aang said as we took our stances and started fighting with water.

In the end i won. "Good match. You're doing very well!" I said sliding my arm around his shoulders. He smiled enthusiastically and nodded.

"Bato!" Sokka gasped happily at a water tribe man. Bato? Who's that?

"Bato!" Katara said excitedly as she rushed towards the man with her brother and gave him a big hug.

"Kat, Sokka. Who's this?" I said walking towards them.

The man gasped and bowed respectfully at me. The others were confused and shrugged.

"This is Bato, from the Southern Water Tribe. Our dad's friend!" Katara introduced. "It's an honor." Bato bowed to me as the others looked at me confused.

"Mine as well. This is Aang, the Avatar." I said.

"Cool. C'mon kids it isn't the best place for reunion!" Bato said as he showed where he was staying. "Three years and you already got a great girl, eh Sokka? Believe me that girl is extraordinary girl" Bato winked at Sokka who blushed deep red. I got flustered as Katara giggled beside me.

The place looked very like Southern Water Tribe homes, with the animal rugs and furs. I noticed Aang was really uncomfortable seeing this.

"Hey, it's okay. They're just having a nice reunion, we'll accompany each other, okay?" I smiled softly.

He nodded, "yeah thanks..."

We joined at the table. "Is that stewed sea prunes i smell?" Sokka said as his mouth watered. Bato handed me a bowl and i thanked him. "Bato, is it true that you and dad lassoed an artic hippo?" Sokka asked Bato and they started talking.

Not gonna lie the stewed sea prune was delicious. But Aang didn't seem to like it as much and left the tent since none of the water tribes gave attention. I quickly ate the prune and excused myself to go after the young Avatar.

"Aang?" I called for him. "Aang? Where are you?" I continued looking for him. It was pretty dark outside and I couldn't see pretty well except for the bright moon light. Then after an hour later i saw Aang in a sitting position at the edge of the fleet.

"Aang? You 'kay?" I slowly reached out for him. He looked startled and hid something into his shirt. "W-What map?!" Aang said.

"What do you have there, buddy?" I peeked sideways to see what he's hiding. "N-nothing important..." he stuttered. I shrugged it off and took a seat next to him.

"By the way, how did you learn earth bending when you were fighting Bumi, back in Omashu?" Aang asked.

"Oh that! My uncle wanted me to learn all the elements as fast as possible and master them at an early age," i chuckled.

"He really didn't want me to slack off and wait for the prince to the rescue. Uncle Tomi brought an earth bending teacher, a fire bending teacher and an air bending teacher. I know teeny tiny bit of fire bending and only couple tricks of earth bending. But i successfully mastered my air bending skills." I said proudly. I looked at Aang and saw him awing.

"Can you teach me some tricks, pleasseeeeeee?" Aang begged. I sighed and gave in.

"Okay fine. C'mon, first to learn earth bending is have to be on earth." I said, jumping off of the ship to the solid ground.

"Now what?" Aang said following me.

"Now, you have to listen to the earth. Remember, earth is the element of substance. The people of the Earth Kingdom are diverse and strong. They are persistent and enduring" I said.

I took a stance and Aang mimicked it. "Try to move that rock like this." I said pointing at the small rock on the ground. I took a deep breath and clenched my fists in front of me, floating the rock in the air. I put it back and offered him to try.

Aang frustratingly closed his eyes and grunted. The rock was unmoved. "Don't grunt too much." I advised.

We tried many ways to move the rock without touching it and so far nothing. "Aww man, i almost had it at the end!" Aang said putting his arms in the air, kicking the rock.

"Let's call it a day, maybe you're just tired." I tried to encourage him.

"Yeah, we should..." Aang said sadly as he snuggled close to Appa and closed his eyes. "G'night, kid." I said as i snuggled to Appa and went to sleep.


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