2. Avatar State

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KATARA AND AANG REVEALED THEMSELVES from the abandoned ship with panic written over their faces.

"What did you two do?" I demanded. They gulped and Aang spoke up.

"It was an accident, I swear! I didn't mean to signal the Fire Nations It was a booby trap and I boobied into it..." he said nervously.

"I know you didn't mean it, you're the Avatar..." I murmured under my breath at the last part, making sure they didn't hear me.

I sighed as I shook my head and took their hands and went back to the village as fast as possible.

Kanna came over and Sokka immediately banished the Avatar from the village.

Katara got in front of Aang and stubbornly said, "Fine! Then I'm banished too! Come on Aang! Let's go." she took his hand pulling him away.

"Where do you think you're going?" Sokka crossed his arms at Katara. "To find a water bending teacher. Aang is taking me to North Pole!" Katara said stubbornly.

"I am? Great!" Aang smiles.

Then Sokka stops her. "Katara! Would you really choose him over your tribe? Your own family?" His words are said with hurt and pain behind him.

"Katara, I don't want to come between you and your family." Aang looks at Katara and looks at me.

"So you're leaving the South Pole? This is goodbye?" Katara asked him sadly.

"Thanks for penguin sledding with me," he chuckled and hopped on Appa. I looked at him, "Where will you go?"

"Guess, I'll go back home and look for the air benders." Aang shrugged. "Wow, I haven't cleaned my room in a 100 years. Not looking forward to that."

I giggled at his remark.

"Could you give me a lift, Aang? I really need to get home too..." I smiled.

He nodded, and told the village, "It was nice seeing everyone!" I got onto Appa's saddle and prepared myself for the flight.

"Will your bison fly now, air boy?" Sokka asked cockily. I sent a glare at him for being rude and for doesn't even know that bisons fly.

"Appa, yip yip!" But the flying bison seemed quite tired and fell onto the ice with his tummy. "That's what I thought!" Sokka stuck his nose up.

Appa's body turns around and walks off into the arctic, and I could hear Katara yelled at her grandmother for not letting her go to learn water bending there from the distance.


It was snowing outside. But instead of pretty white flakes it had black soots in. Meaning the fire nations are coming.

"Yozora! Look!" Aang said. The same navy ship that kidnapped me was coming to the village's way.

"No time to lose, come on Aang!" I yelled as Aang yip yipped Appa.

"How are we going to get there before they do?" Aang asked. I looked around and saw the penguins. I smirked at Aang and we got to the village with the penguins.

"My name is Prince Zuko of the fire nation!" the scar face growled at the village. The people stepped back in fear.

"Where is he? I know you're hiding him!" he shouts.

He's looking for the Avatar, huh...

He grabs onto Kanna and shouted more. Katara catches her grandmother when she fell from the prince's grasp and hugged her.

After watching Sokka unsuccessfully take Zuko down, Aang came over and gave himself in for peace with the small village. After they made the deal, they boarded back to their ship and sailed away. I sighed as I grabbed my belongings and ran towards Appa.

"Where are you going?" Katara asked following me.

"I'm going to get Aang. He's in trouble and i'm afraid he won't make it by himself all alone..." I said jumping over to ride Appa.

Actually, floated. Katara's mouth dropped and looked at me wide eyes.

"I thought you were a waterbender!"

I chuckled, "I never said I was only a water bender but I know you'll find out more. Now, come on, go get your brother because we're going together to go rescue Aang!"

Katara brought Sokka with sleeping bags and some food. "Appa, yip yip!" I encouraged the flying bison.

Appa soared above the sky, "Katara, Katara look! He's flying!He's flying!" Sokka looked over to us and cleared his throat.

"He's flying... no big deal..." he said but unmanaged to erase the smile on his face. I smugly smirked at him which he blushed, looking away from my gaze.

I looked for the Fire Navy ship which didn't took too long to look for. Aang was already outside and was fighting some firebenders.

We got beside the ship and helped Aang. I faced the scar face who was throwing flames at me. I ducked and pressed his pressure points, taking him down in seconds.

"You would've died without me, girl! If I was less heartless I would've let you die in that ocean!" Zuko spat.

"Thanks for saving me, princey. But I'll see you later because I need to save the Avatar now!" I winked at him as I looked for Aang but I couldn't find him.

Then suddenly a spiral waves formed in and I saw Aang's arrows and eyes were glowing. He water bended and knocked down the army of soldiers on the ship.

Then he stopped glowing and lost consciousness, making him fall from the sky.

"Appa! Yip yip!" Katara ordered. She caught Aang from falling safe and sound. Aang gave a lazy smile and closed his eyes. I looked back at the Fire Nation ship and the Prince looked furious.

"Fire at him!" Prince Zuko yelled. Couple of fireballs were shot at him but he dodged it. Appa groaned in annoyance and sent a really powerful wave to hit the ship to the ice wall, making snow fall on the deck.

"You were amazing, Aang! You gotta teach me that one!" Katara said happily.

"But I don't know what I did there..." he looked down.

The Southern Water Tribe girl hugged him, "Why didn't you tell us you were the Avatar, Aang?" Katara asked softly.

"Because I never wanted to be.." Aang said looking down in shame. He started to tell his story about leaving the temple and drowned from the heavy rain.

"You must've been in the Avatar state, Aang." I said looking at the beautiful view.

"How do you know about that?" Sokka asked me suspiciously. I turned back to them and said in a serious tone, "Because I am the spiritual guardian..."


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