33. The trade, well... sort of....

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TY LEE WAS REALLY NICE to be around when you needed a company and for Mai, the gloomy girl, the complete opposite.

Azula tried asking me some personal questions but I answered none. And Fire Nation soldiers always followed me around except the bathroom. It was getting really annoying but I didn't say a word.

"They have my brother, Tom-Tom." Mai said. "What are we gonna do?" Ty Lee asked.

"We'll trade the king for the child." Azula told her friends.

"And you'll trick them, right?" I rolled my eyes. "Of course. We'll get Mai's baby brother later after the Avatar reveals himself."


Ty Lee, Azula, Mai and I went to the meeting place with soldiers handcuffed me tight. And King Bumi appeared to be in a coffin made out of metal.

Mai stepped forward, "You brought my brother?" asked Aang. The trio were there with a small baby in Sokka's arms.

"We're ready to trade." Aang called. His eyes wandered to my direction and gasped. "Wait—Yozora?!"

"Hey, Aang." I smiled cheekily.

"You're okay!" he said happily.

Azula turned and spoke, "I'm sorry but a thought just occurred to me. Do you mind?" she said to Mai.

"Of course not, Princess Azula." Mai said. I rolled my eyes at what was gonna happen.

"We're trading a two year old for a king." Azula said. "A powerful earth bending king? It doesn't seems like a fair trade, does it?"

"You're right." Mai said.

"Then can we at least trade your brother for my friend over there?" Aang said with begging eyes.

"And a power spirit who can bend more than one element? Still doesn't seem fair. She would be an excellent gift for my father anyway." Azula smirked mockingly.

"I'm gonna be okay. Don't worry." I smiled comfortingly.

"The deal's off." Mai said harshly and motioned to Bumi to be brought back up away from Aang.

"Bumi!" Aang yelled, racing after to get him back. Azula shot blue fire out of her fists, but he avoided it and raced to get his friend.

It was my cue and I easily took down the soldiers around me with the handcuffs around my wrists. I saw Azula and Aang on top of an unfinished building and seemed they're doing alright so I helped Sokka and Katara.

"Hey, how are my favorite siblings?" I smiled as I appeared next to them. Sokka grinned and hugged me quickly, "I'm so glad you're okay." he kissed my cheek, making me blush.

"Guys, could you stop flirting and help me take them down?" Katara said. I nodded and started fighting with Ty Lee.

She sent hard punches and kicks but I dodged them all, smirking at her. "You should teach me some of those." I remarked.

"When we have time. Sure!!" She smiled.

Ty Lee immediately saw Sokka and went after him. She blocked Sokka's arms and legs but he still managed to get the baby to Appa.

I finished Ty Lee off with, this time, her on the ground, unable to move.

"Sorry, Ty. It was nice meeting you!" I said.

"Don't worry, Zora. I'll see you later!" she grinned happily, even though she was secured around a hard ice cocoon.

I jumped onto Appa and helped Katara before go looking for Aang. I saw Bumi's coffin and Aang at the end of the mail way system and quickly jumped off.

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