23. Ookami

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Yozora's POV

"Oh my spiritist, what happened!" I woke up with a great shake as I grabbed onto Appa's huge head.

"We're here! We finally found them!" Katara said excitedly. I looked around and saw men in wolf masks and water bended Appa to stop where he was.

"Look! It's the lost princess!" the one in the front said as he bowed down to me.

"Are you sure?" one whispers as one sneak behind me and pulled the sleeve of my coat down, showing my birthmark of the moon and the river.

"Rude!" I said pulling it back up.

The other benders gasped as they bowed down also. "Make way for the Princess of the Northern Water Tribe!"

"What?!" Sokka Katara and Aang gasped and looked at me strangely. "Make way for our brother and sister who have returned the greatest person who can to defeat the fire lord too!" they said as they guided us to the tribe.

"Yozora? Why didn't you tell us you were royalty?" Aang grinned excitedly. "Umm... because I was scared?" it came out more like a question.

I didn't want them to find out who I was in the first place but who am I kidding, they would've learned about it anyway. But I wouldn't want them to find out this way too.

"What?" he asked, really confused.

"It's just.... i'm really ashamed of myself... to be the princess who left her tribe and disappeared. I'm a complete failure..." I looked down guiltily.

"Yozora..." Sokka started but was cut by Katara who shook 'no' to her brother.

"This place is beautiful!" Katara gasped at the ice walls, changing the subject.

It was indeed beautiful, it felt like nothing had changed much around here except some new monuments and temples. It felt like a real home.

"She sure is..." I heard Sokka smiled goofily as he saw a girl on a boat. I looked over and made eye contact, causing a great connection with her.

Her snow white hair braided in a traditional way and her beautiful blue eyes smiled at me. I looked away sadly how she was so beautiful and elegant and looked like a true princess.


The drums beat as Aang, Sokka, Katara and i took seats on the table with the chief and his daughter.

The drums stops as the chief rose to speak, "Tonight, we celebrate the return of our lost princess, the one who could do it all, princess Yozora back to our tribe!"

I smiled nervously at the crowd gasping and whispering about me. "And we also celebrate the arrival of our brother and sister from the Southern Tribe, and they have brought someone vey special, someone whom many of us believed disappeared from the world until now, the Avatar!" Chief Arnook said.

"We also celebrate my daughter's sixteenth birthday. Princess Yue, is now of marrying age." he finished as princess Yue stepped forward.

"Thank you, father. May the great Ocean and Moon spirits watch over us during these troubled times." Princess Yue said before return back to her seat.

"Now, master Pakku and his will perform!" Chief Arnook said as master Pakku and some people came up to the stage and water bended gracefully. I was seated between Yue and Sokka.

"It is an honor to finally meet you, princess Yozora." Yue bowed to me. I shook my hands in front of me and smiled, "Stop with the formalities, Yozora is fine."

"Of course." she smiled sweetly until Sokka interrupted us. "So, princess huh?" he said. It was strange if he was either talking to me or Yue.

"I'll just leave then." I said awkwardly getting up. I would be lying if I said I wasn't heartbroken.

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