16. Sokka's instincts saves the day

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As soon as Aang and i got to the hide outs, Aang started to mess around with the zip wires. "Nice place you got here!" I complimented as i looked around.

Later on there was a feast, i sat next to Aang as Jet started with his speech.

"Today, we struck another blow agains the fire nation swine. I got a special joy from the look of one of the fire nation soldiers face when the duke dropped on his helmet like a wild hog monkey. Now the fire nation thinks they don't have to worry about a few kids hiding in the trees, maybe they're right." The teenagers booed.

"Or maybe, they're dead wrong!" Jet finished his speech. There was something up with this guy. I can feel it. "Hey, nice speech!" Katara smiled.

"Thanks, i was really inspired by you, Yozora and Aang. That was some great bending and chi blocking i saw out today!" Jet said.

"Well, they're great. They're the avatars, i could use some training." Katara said.

"Avatars huh? I thought there can only be one." he asked. "I'm the guardian actually." I said, eating my rice. "That's cool too." Jet smirked.

"I think there's a way that you guys can help in our struggle." Jet said. "Actually we're leaving tonight." Sokka said firmly.

"Sokka, you're kidding me. I needed you for an important mission tomorrow!" Jet said making Sokka stop his tracks. "What mission?" he asked.


"Morning, arrowhead!" I said shaking Aang softly. He mumbled something and continued sleeping. "When i say good morning, you must get up immediately in my command!" I yelled in his ear sternly.

He jolted up and got into a solute pose, "Good morning, ma'am, yes ma'am!"

"Come on, get dressed! We're gonna go zip wiring!" I said excitedly before leaving his room. He got up and joined me soon after at the zip wires. We laughed and flew constantly as we went up and down on the wires.

I spotted Sokka, making us stop from going down. "Hey, Sokka. Look what the Duke gave me!" Aang said as he took out a marble looking thing and then threw it at me and Momo, making small explosions. Momo flew back on Aang's shoulder and took the marbles and throwing them on the floor.

"Quit it!" Aang said as he jumping backwards making me chuckle at his childish behavior. "We're leaving." Sokka said.

"What?" Aang said. "But i made him this hat..." Katara said holding a hat. "Katara, your boyfriend Jet is a thug!" Sokka said.

Ha! I knew something was up with that guy!

"What, no he's not!" Katara defended. "He's messed up Katara" Sokka tried to reason with her.

"He's not messed up. He's just got a different way of life. A really fun way of life. Right, Zora?" Katara asked me.

"Katara, Sokka's right. Something's off about him and I couldn't place a finger what. I think it's better if we leave sooner than later." I said standing up.

"He even beat and harmed a harmless old man today!" Sokka said.

"I want to hear Jet's side of story!" Katara said.


Well, Jet said the man was a fire bender and had a knife with poison in it too. I asked Sokka if he saw any knife and said no. Of course i believed Sokka and it was getting more and more suspicious.

"Don't worry, Sokka. I'm with you." I comforted him. He smiled softly but it turned into a frown soon after.

"I need your help Katara, Aang. Yozora, maybe you could help me too? The fire benders are going to burn our forest tomorrow noon and i need your help, please. " Jet asked.

I looked at him, raising an eyebrow, "No, i'm gonna pack now, thanks" said coldly.

"C'mon, let's go." I encouraged Sokka. Him and i got up and started packing our stuff until Sokka left me saying that Jet and his gang left in the woods.

I decided to take a stroll by the woods and explore a little before leaving and then come back later. I saw Sokka and Jet by the corner and they started talking pretty loudly, so i decided to eavesdrop.

"I heard your plan to wipe out the earth kingdom town!" Sokka said. "Our plan is to rid the valley of the fire nation." Jet said.

Dude, how messed up is that?

"There are people living there, Jet! Mothers and fathers and children." Sokka said angrily.

"We can't win without making some sacrifices!" Jet said. "You lied to Aang, Yozora and Katara about the forest fire!" Sokka said.

"Because they don't understand the demands of the war! Not like you and i do!" Jet said. This pussy.

"I do understand! I understand that there's nothing you won't do to get what you want!" Sokka said.

"I was hoping you would have an open mind but i can see that you've made your choice." Jet said, his friends then pulled out weapons. "I can't let you warn Yozora, Katara or Aang. Take him for a walk." Jet demanded the two of his friends. "Long walk." he added.

I started to panic and went straight to Katara and Aang were. Or stuffs are gonna go downhill.

I jumped from branch to branch and finally found Aang and Katara at someplace and found Jet already with them.

I stopped my tracks as i saw him and he smiled at me. That made me want to throw up.

"Hey, Yozora. You're just in time. Have you changed your mind?" he asked enthusiastically.

I rolled my eyes mentally and smiled sickly. "Yeah, but first i really need to talk to Aang and Katara about our mission." I told him to go with my eyes.

"Okay, and don't worry about Sokka. He already apologized and thanks for putting som sense to him, Katara. Now he's with Pipsqueak and Smellerbee for a mission." Jet chuckled as he walked off.

Wait. Apologizing? Mission?

After he left, i took Katara and Aang beside and looked at them sternly.

"Listen. Sokka's not on a mission with Pipsqueak and Smellerbee. I heard them talking at the forest about flooding an earth kingdom village and i need you to not help Jet on that, got it?" I said firmly grasping their arms, and looking dead in the eyes.

Katara pulled her arm harshly and glared, "Why are you lying Yozora? Jet is definitely not that kind of person!Why are you and Sokka jealous of Jet for being a better leader?"

I was taken back. "Are you serious? It is my job to keep the people safe here!"

I looked at Aang. "You believe me, don't you?"

He looked so confused and lost but shook his head no. My heart shattered. "And that isn't your job, Yozora. You're jealous of Aang because he gets the Avatar credit and you don't! Butt out of it!" Katara said.

"Fine! I hope you'll love killing those innocent lives at the village, Katara! And I cannot believe you don't believe me, Aang." I said angrily as i stomped angrily off to find Sokka and free him.

Then suddenly i bumped into someone and i looked up to see Sokka. I grinned at him and took him into a hug. "You're not hurt!" I said gladly.

"Yeah, Jet's a freak! He's going to blow the dam at the village! He's a monster! Let's go find Katara and Aang and tell them!"

"I already tried that, it's not gonna work. Let's go warn the village first so no one can get hurt." I said taking his hand and dragging him to the village.


"You must leave the village now! The dam's gonna blow up and this place's gonna flood!" Sokka yelled, making my ear drums hurt.

"Everyone leave! You have to hurry!" I shouted at them. "They're spies!" one of the fire nation troops accused.

"We're not!" I said defensibly trying to convince him. "We're trying to save you!" Sokka said.

"We should trust them." an old man say. "That young boy helped me." he said talking about Sokka.

"You have to hurry!" Sokka said.


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