30. Meeting the high hippy nomads

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"What are they up to now?" I groaned as I rolled my eyes. Katara and I were at our room, joking around and just having a girl time.

She also thinks Aang forcing himself to the Avatar State is stupid. So that's why she joined me.

"I don't know. Maybe we should check up on them." Katara said, standing up from her bed. I followed her outside to see a scene I wasn't expecting.

General Fong and his men were fiercely attacking Aang. We meet Sokka at the bottom of the stairs.

"What's going on?!" Katara panics. Sokka explains General Fong's stupid, stupid plan...

"Oh my spirits. I knew it was this would end badly..." I muttered under my breath as I heard the news. He was given the idea to put Aang in danger in exchange for the Avatar State.

We leaped onto the battlefield and I bent forces of wind to knock soldiers out of my way. Dodging boulders of rocks that were skillfully aimed at my head, I sent small bullets of ice in attempts to puncture their invisible uniforms.

I spot Aang, on his knees begging. For what, I didn't know. Not until i saw general Fong making Katara sink to the ground.

"Oh no, he won't!" I said angrily as I attacked the general. I sent angry blue fire and a hurricane at him but his soldiers dodged it for him.

"Stop it, general Fong! Let her GO!" I said. "You will regret this. I'm telling you."

But he ignored me and his attention was still on Aang.

"Yozora! Aang!" Katara yelled for help as she sank deeper to the ground.

"You could save her if you were in the Avatar State right now!" the man said to the tattooed child.

"I'm trying. I'm trying!" Aang cried.

"Try harder!" Fong said.

I was so mad how he treated Aang this way. I tried to ran and strangle him but my feet were already in the ground. "Hey! Let me go!" I screamed but he quickly made me sink faster way up to my neck.

"Sokka, Aang, help!" Katara yelped.

"I don't see glowing!" General Taunts.

Then everything went black as I sank to the ground first.

I heard screams from the siblings and seemed like there was a lot happening up there. I held my breath under the ground as I stayed there, wishing it would end soon.

Oh Aang, why didn't you listen to me when I said it wasn't right?

After not too long, I felt myself go up to the surface and heavily gasped for air. I looked up and saw Aang's eyes and tattoos were glowing as he was up in the sky. Katara was safe and sound, trying to get up from the ground.

"Katara..."I hoarse out for her as I brought her safely to my arms.

"They're okay, see?" general said.

I got onto my feet and took Aang's hand softly, trying to calm him down.

"Aang, I'm fine. We're fine. Don't worry..." I said bringing him down.

I took him into a hug and comforted him as he got back from the Avatar State.

"Ha ha! That was amazing! We just need to find a way to control you when you're like that!" General Fong said happily.

"You're out of your mind!" Katara shields Aang and I.

"Don't you ever, EVER lay a hand or a boulder on people I love! Do you understand?!" I yelled at his face as I stomped my left feet on the ground hard to make a big rock slam into his shins, making him fall on the ground.

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