15. Jet

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"Uh-oh. We have a problem guys!" Sokka shouted.

"You've got to be kidding me!" I yelled in frustration.

We were on the edge of a waterfall and Aang and Katara water bended the ship to stay on the river. I got in front of the ship, floating in the air and sent a big wind, only moving the ship couple feet far from the end.

Apparently, the mother nature felt tricked so pushed the ship down the waterfall. Aang then took out a whistle and blowed, making only a swish sound.

We fell by the waterfall, expecting a hard splash in the end but Appa saved us from death. "Appa! You came!" I said hugging the furry monster.


"Where's Momo?" I asked Aang as i looked for the lemur. Then i heard a screeching sound of Momo's.

I got into the forest and found Momo in a cage, along with two more animals in it. "Hang on, little guy," i said jumping in the air, releasing the flying lemur. Aang let go the other two.

"These are the fire nation traps. You can tell from the metal work." Sokka started. "We better pack up camp and get moving." Sokka said.

"Better get moving where, oh great ponytail man?" I asked him sarcastically. "Er... somewhere else?"

"Wise choice." I said as i chucked a sleeping bag up to Aang, who was on Appa's head.

"Uh-uh. No flying this time!" Sokka said running over, taking the sleeping bags. "Why wouldn't we fly?" Aang asked. 

"Think about it. Somehow Prince Zuko and the fire nation keep finding us, it's because they spot Appa! He's too noticeable."

"What? Appa's not noticeable!" Aang argued.

"He's a giant fluffy monster with a giant arrow on his head! It's kinda hard to miss him!" Sokka said matter-of-factly.

"Sokka's just jealous because he doesn't have an arrow." Aang comforted the flying bison.

"I know you all want to fly, but my instincts tell me to play it safe this time and walk." Sokka said.

"Who made you the boss?" Katara asked Sokka.

"I'm not the boss, i'm the leader!" Sokka corrected her. I chuckled at his remark.

"Y-you're the leader? But your voice still cracks!" Katara said as she snickered. I joined too. "I'm the oldest and i'm the warrior." Sokka's voice cracked.

"So i'm the leader!" he said in a deeper voice. "Manly..." i rolled my eyes playfully at him as i walked away.

"And actually, i'm the oldest of all you three, with the hundred years or not!" I crossed my arms, smirking.

"If anyone's the leader it's Aang. He's the Avatar after all. Or Yozora, since she's guardian and the strongest of us all!" Katara said.

I blushed and waved my hand playfully at her. "Aw, shut up. I'm very flattered!"

"Aang's just a goofy kid! And Yozora, umm... she's not that interested in leadership." Sokka said. I mean, he's right.

"Yeah, i'm really not." I shrugged it off.

"Why do boys always think someone has to be a leader, i bet you wouldn't be so bossy if you ever kissed a girl!" Katara said.

What does it have to do with kissing? I thought to myself.

"I've kissed a girl...You just...haven't met her!" Sokka argued.

"Who? Gran gran? I've met gran gran!" Katara mocked with a smug look on her face.

"No! Besides gran gran. Look, my instincts tell me we have better chance of slipping through on foot, and a leader has to trust their instincts." Sokka insisted.

"Okay, we'll try it your way, oh wise leader." Katara said.

"Who knows, walking might be fun!" Aang said enthusiastically as he put on his rucksack. "The old fashion way," i said taking my bag.


"Walking stinks! How could anyone go anywhere without a flying bison?" Aang said.

"Well, i don't know Aang. Why don't you ask Sokka's instincts? They seem to know everything!" Katara said, with sarcasm in her voice making me laugh.

"Ha ha ha," Sokka sarcastically laughed.

"I'm tired of carrying this bag." Aang moaned. "You know who you should ask to carry it for a while? Sokka's instincts!" Katara said making me and Aang laugh.

"That's a great idea! Hey, Sokka's instincts! Would you mind-" Aang was cut off. "Okay, okay! I get it!" Sokka said.

"Do you want me to carry it for you?" I offered. He smiled brightly at me as he gave me the bag. "Look guys, i'm tired too. But the important thing is we're safe from the fir...e... nation..." Sokka trailed off as we walked through some bushes. Behind the bushes, there was a fire nation camp. Just great.

"Run!" Sokka yelled. We dropped our bags to run easier. "We're cut off!" Sokka screamed.

The fir nation had thrown a fire at us and i just noticed Sokka's shirt was on fire. "Your shirt!" I said as Sokka screamed. Katara turned it off with her water and put it down.

"If you let us pass, we promise not to hurt you!" Sokka said. "Oh my spirits! Really?" I elbowed him in frustration.

"What are you doing?" Katara whisper yelled. "Buffling?" Sokka shrugged uneasily. "Well, you're not doing a very good job at it!" I commented.

"You? Promise not to hurt us?" The troop said before falling to the floor. "Wow Sokka. How did you do that?" Aang asked.

"Um.. instincts?" Sokka shrugged. "Look!" I said as i saw teenagers start to attack the troops falling from the trees.

Troop went in my direction but i slid under him and chi blocked his points, making him fall on the ground unconscious. Then another attacked from behind, but i did a handstand, kicking him in the face.

After all of them were down, some guy came up to Katara close to her and said hey. She blushed and said hi.

I wolf whistled to her which made her go flustered. "You just took out a whole army single handed!" Aang said excitedly.

"Army? Pfft. They were only like twenty or thirty guys." the guy said.

His name was jet and him and the teens call themselves freedom fighters. "Sneers, Longshot, Smellerbee, the Duke and Pipsqueak."

"Haha, Pipsqueak. That's a funny name!" Aang said to the small kid. "You think my name is funny?" a big guy said from behind. "It's hilarious!" Aang said, Pipsqueak laughed along with him soon.

"We'll take these stuff to the hide out." Jet said packing the stuff from the camp. "You guys have a hide out?" I smirked at Jet. He seemed like a cool guy but something was a little off.

"Yep, you want to see it?"

"Yes we want to see it!" Katara said way too happily. I smirked at her which she put her tongue out at me playfully.

Jet took us to the middle of the forest, where no one's there. "We're here." he said.

"Where? There's nothing here!" Sokka said. "Hold this." Jet said handed him a rope. "Why? What does this do?" Sokka asked before he was pulled to the air.

"That's so cool!" I said looking up in the tree. "Aang?" Jet asked handing Aang a rope. "I'll get up on my own." he smiled before he jumped on all the trees.

"I'll go with him!" I said jumping in the air. "Aang, wait up!" I yelled for the boy.


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