35. Avatar Day

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WE WERE CAMPING OUT IN THE WOODS and all of us were asleep. I was dreaming about the death of Seon for the forth night in a row and if was frightening me.

The nightmare didn't last long and I woke up with the sound of the bounty haunters with rhinos, cornering us at the place.

"What the hell!" I cursed as I packed my stuff and jumped onto Ookami as the others got on Appa.

"C'mon boy, let's get out of here!" I said.


We were at a nearby town, shopping for some food for our next couple of days. "You got your staff and you got your scroll and I don't get to get my boomerang?!" Sokka complained.

"When did he lose his boomerang anyway?" I asked still yawning. I was really really tired.

"When the bounty hunters cornered us, we went back twice to get our stuff and Sokka didn't get the chance." Katara explained.

"Don't worry, Sokka. It'll turn up anyway." I patted the water tribe boy's back. "You know what they say, boomerangs always come back."

"You don't understand! It's like I've lost a part of my identity! Like what if you lost your band aids? What if Katara lost her hair loopies and Aang without his arrow?" he dramatically waved his hands around.

"Okay, okay. I get it." I rolled my eyes. "I hope you find it soon enough, Sokka."

"Here ya go, ponytail—guy." the man at the shop said as he handed Sokka some food.

"I used to be boomerang—guy..." he slumped down. "Are you okay, Zora?" Katara suddenly asked.

"I'm fine, Katara. Why would you think I wasn't?" I smiled. But little did I know, she saw something wrong through my eyes.

"You are acting really quiet since we left the swamp. I just wanted to know if everything's okay?" she asked caringly.

I sighed, "I'm just... a little shaken up."

"Oh, I hope you feel better soon." she rubbed my back comfortingly as she paying the man with water tribe money.

"Water tribe money?" the man looks surprised. "I hope that's okay..." Katara said shyly.

"As long as it's money." the man said happily as he started closing up his shop.

"If I may ask, where are you going?" I questioned the man.

"To the Avatar day in the town, of course! Wouldn't miss it for the world!" he said as he walked away.

I turned to my friends and smiled, "What do ya say? A whole day dedicated to Aang?"

"I say why not!" Aang said excitedly. I put on a straw hat on his bald head and chuckled.


"These are really good!" I said, stuffing deep fried fish sticks in my mouth and moaned in delight.

"Tell me about it!" Sokka agreed. Suddenly somebody rudely pushed me and I stumbled back and lose my balance. I shut my eyes tight, expecting a fall that would land on my butt but I felt someone's arms wrapped me, securing me in place.

"Watch where you're going, you stone-head!!"

I opened my eyes to see beautiful ocean-blue orbs staring back at me. "You okay?" Sokka asked.

I felt all the heat coming up to my face, "O-oh. Yeah!" I awkwardly smiled. I could see a faint blush across his cheeks.

"Good, these people are really rude, pushing us through their ways..." we made back to our postures when he suddenly realized he was holding me too long.

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