24. Arranged marriages suck

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I woke up feeling alive and fresh from my bed. I took a nice shower and wore my usual outfit and put on my necklace. I strolled around the palace and got to the dining hall, where breakfast was held with Aang, Katara and Sokka there.

"Morning, Yozora. You look quite refreshed." Aang smiled enthusiastically at me.

"Yeah i did. Are you heading to master Pakku's lessons?" I smiled back.

"Yeah, you wanna join us?" Katara got up from the table.

"Wait, let me have breakfast first." I stuffed my face with seal jerky and bread. "Okay let's go!"


"What do you mean you can't teach Katara water bending?" I put my arms up in the air.

"Yeah, Yozora's a girl and she can fight!" Katara said.

"Because she's a spiritual guardian and a royalty!" Master Pakku said annoyed. "Stop with the labels! Women can fight too!" I crossed my arms.

"Yeah, Katara is a great water bender!" Aang got in.

"My answer is still no, i'm sure Yugoda would teach you healing powers at her hut." master Pakku said boringly. "That's so unfair!" I said furiously.

"Women in our village heals and the men hunts and fights. This is our tradition, i'm very aware that you know this, princess" he said boringly.

"Yeah, it's so unfair! If you won't teach Katara, then i'll—" Aang started.

"Then you'll what?" Pakku demanded.

"Then i won't learn from you!" Aang said a little bit too confidently and stormed away. I facepalmed at his idiotically self.

"Aang!" Katara said. "Aang doesn't mean that!" she told the water bending master.

"Ha! Have fun learning water bending alone!" Pakku mocked as Aang was out of sight. I glared at him and crossed my arms.

"What would i expect from the water bending teachers anyway." I rolled my eyes as i run after Aang and Katara.

I passed some buildings but no sign of Aang nor Katara. Come to think of it, i've never got into the place that they were staying. "Lost?" I heard the same husky voice from behind.

I looked over and saw Huan. "Well, i was looking for my friends." I said looking for Katara and Aang but nowhere to be seen. "Whatever, are you free now?" I smiled.

"Not at all, care to join me for the walk we planned?" Huan let out a hand for me to take. "Yeah," i chuckled as i took his large hand shyly as we run by the streets.

"Slow down!" I giggled as i try to keep up with his fast pace.

"We're here!" Huan said letting go of my hand. I looked around and noticed we were on a bridge, with a beautiful view of the icy buildings.

"This is amazing, Huan!" I gasped as i look at the familiar places i used to visit before, shimmering in the light.

"I go up here when i finish my military lessons." he says casually. Suddenly my heart sank. Military, that is for men and teenage boys have to risk their lives for this war.

Huan noticed my expression and looked worried. "Are you okay, princess?"

"It's just that— it's all my fault that you and the other men must to go to military now. I'm the one who's responsible for this mess..." i said sadly. I regretted coming with Huan.

"No, it's not. You didn't cause all this to happen! It's not your fault that fire nation wanted everything for themselves." Huan said gently, and comfortingly.

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